Subchapter 1 General Provisions
§16-99-1 Objective
§16-99-2 Definitions
§16-99-3 Conduct
§16-99-3.1 Disclosure of agency
§16-99-4 Client's account; trust funds; properties other than funds
§16-99-5 Notification and filing of names, addresses, and changes
§16-99-5.1 Involuntary inactive license status
§16995.2 Statewide license
§16-99-6 Display of license
§16-99-7 Renewal of license
§16-99-8 Repealed
§16-99-9 Suspended license
§16-99-10 Revoked license
§16-99-10.5 Other requested material
§16-99-10.6 Surrender of real estate license
§16-99-11 Advertisement
§16-99-12 Exam site solicitation
Subchapter 2 Applications
§16-99-17 Forms and instructions
§16-99-18 Repealed
§16-99-19 License applications
§169919.1 License name
§169919.2 Experience certificate application
§16-99-20 Repealed
§16-99-21 Denial
§16-99-22 Demand for a hearing
§16-99-23 Proceedings upon demand for hearing
§16-99-24 Repealed
§16-99-25 Falsification of application
Subchapter 3 Examination
§16-99-29 Examination for broker and salesperson license
§16-99-30 Examination subject matter
Subchapter 4 Education and Experience
§16-99-36 Education requirement
§16-99-37 Education equivalency
§16-99-38 Repealed
§16-99-39 Repealed
§16-99-40 Repealed
§16-99-41 Repealed
§16-99-42 Repealed
§16-99-43 Repealed
§16-99-44 Repealed
§16-99-45 Repealed
§16-99-46 Real estate education fund
Subchapter 5 Registered Real Estate Schools
§16-99-50 Policy
§16-99-51 Registered school
§16-99-52 Repealed
§169952.1 Independent study courses
§16-99-53 Application for registration
§16-99-53.1 Alternative forms of school bond
§16-99-54 Changes in school's owners
§16-99-55 Display of certificate of registration and instructor's certificate
§16-99-56 Classrooms
§16-99-57 Courses
§16-99-58 Faculty
§16-99-59 Tuition and other charges
§16-99-60 Repealed
§16-99-61 Certificate of completion
§16-99-62 Records
§16-99-63 Reports
§16-99-64 Inspections
§16-99-65 Renewals
§16-99-66 Advertising
§16-99-67 School brochure or catalogue
§16-99-68 Prohibited advertising practices
§16-99-69 Revocation or suspension of school registration, course approval,
and instructor certification
§16-99-70 Hearings
§16-99-71 Repealed
Subchapter 6 Practice and Procedure
§16-99-75 Administrative practice and procedure
Subchapter 7 Recovery Fund
§16-99-79 Recovery fund settlement procedures
Subchapter 8 Oral Testimony
§16-99-83 Oral testimony
Subchapter 9 Continuing Education
§16-99-87 Definitions
§16-99-88 Repealed
§16-99-89 Equivalent continuing education
§16-99-90 License renewal procedure
§16-99-91 Activating an inactive real estate license
§16-99-92 Continuing education hours in license restoration and reinstatement
§16-99-93 Excess continuing education hours
§16-99-94 Continuing education certificates of completion
§16-99-95 Duplicate continuing education hours
§16-99-96 An instructor who is a licensee
§16-99-97 Extensions
§16-99-98 Prior to offering a continuing education course
§16-99-99 Application for registration as a continuing education provider
§16-99-100 Criteria for approving and certifying continuing education courses
§16-99-101 Courses not acceptable for continuing education course certification
§16-99-102 Application for certification of a continuing education course
§16-99-103 Offerings of a certified continuing education course
§16-99-104 Criteria for certification of a continuing education instructor
§16-99-105 Biennial provider registration and course certification
§16-99-106 Forfeited registration, certification; restoration
§16-99-107 Fees
§16-99-108 Revocation or suspension of a continuing education course
§16-99-109 Revocation or suspension of a continuing education provider
§16-99-110 Repealed
§16-99-111 Record keeping responsibilities of a continuing education provider
§16-99-112 Record keeping information and retention period
§16-99-113 Advertising
§16-99-114 Prohibited advertising practices
§16-99-115 Continuing education course entrance requirements
§16-99-116 Discontinuing course offerings
§16-99-117 Material change
§16-99-118 Repealed
§16-99-119 Review, evaluation, and investigation
§16-99-120 Repealed
§16-99-121 Faculty
§16-99-121.1 Instructor evaluation
§16-99-122 Display of certificate of registration and instructor's certificate
§16-99-123 Classrooms
§16-99-124 Classroom compliance
§16-99-125 Repealed
§16-99-126 Repealed
§16-99-127 Denial, revocation, and suspension
§16-99-128 Request for a contested case hearing
Subchapter 10 Condominium Hotel Operators
§16-99-147 Registration
§16-99-147.1 Condominium hotel operations
§16-99-147.2 Who may register as a condominium hotel operator
§16-99-148 Fidelity bond
§16-99-149 Client's trust funds, accounting, and records
§16-99-150 Conduct
§16-99-1 Objective. This chapter, adopted by the real estate commission,
hereafter referred to as "commission," is intended to clarify and implement chapter
467, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended, to the end that the provisions thereunder,
for the protection of the general public in its real estate transactions, may be best
effectuated and the public interest most effectively served. [Eff 12/26/74; am and
ren §16-99-1, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp
2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-4)
§16-99-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
"Approved curriculum" means the curriculum or courses approved by the
commission as satisfying the education requirements established for real estate
broker and salesperson license examination applicants.
"Branch office" means a place of business other than the principal place of
business from which real estate business is conducted. Branch offices located on
an island different from the principal place of business shall be registered with the
commission. Branch office registration shall not be required for places of
business located on the same island as the principal place of business and
registration shall not be required for any additional place of business from which
real estate broker activities are engaged in exclusively relative to a condominium
project, real estate subdivision, larger community development developed by a
single developer, time share project, new or existing shopping center, or other
commercial building.
"Brokerage firm" or "firm" means a sole proprietor broker licensee, or a
partnership, corporation, or limited liability company licensed as a broker.
"Broker-in-charge" means an individual broker licensee designated by the
principal broker as the broker directly in charge of and responsible to the principal
broker for the real estate operations conducted at the principal place of business or a
branch office. The principal broker may designate one or more brokers-in-charge of
the principal place of business or branch office, provided that there shall be at least
one broker-in-charge of each branch office. A broker-in-charge may be designated
to more than one branch office.
"Broker-salesperson" means an individual broker licensee who associates
that individual's own license with a brokerage firm as an employee or independent
"Commingling" means to mingle or mix, such as a deposit of client's funds
in the broker's personal account.
"Inactive" means the status of a current license that is not forfeited,
suspended, revoked, or terminated, the holder of which cannot transact any real
estate business until the license status is changed to "active" status.
"Involuntary inactive" means the status of a current license resulting from
the forfeiture, suspension, revocation, termination, or inactive status of a principal
broker, broker-in-charge, branch office, or brokerage firm, as the case may be.
"Licensee" means the person in whose name the commission grants a
"Place of business" means the physical place where business is conducted
other than a post office box, telephone, telephone answering service, letter or mail
drop service, or motor vehicle within the State, and may include a home occupation
office. The place of business shall conform with the permitted use under the zoning
code of the county in which the place of business is situated and with any
declarations, bylaws, house rules, recorded restrictions, or covenants that may
govern the place of business. The commission may use as guidelines, but is not
limited to, the following factors in finding that a brokerage firm is maintaining a
place of business: physical presence of the broker during reasonable scheduled
office hours; on-site maintenance of confidential clients’ files which shall be
immediately accessible to the commission upon request; the prominent display of
the brokerage firm’s name or trade name as licensed by the commission and the
listing of the brokerage firm name where permissible in the building directory; the
operation of the brokerage firm at a place of business directly accessible to the
public; and the on-site maintenance of personnel and compensation records for all
real estate salespersons and broker-salespersons employed by or associated with the
brokerage firm. Client files as used in this definition include but is not limited to:
real estate contracts, escrow records, trust account records, and confidential client
data. "Place of business" does not include the operation of a place of business
designed to evade the requirements of the definition as set forth in this paragraph.
Each brokerage firm shall have one, and only one, principal place of business.
"Supervision" means the act of directing, inspecting, and reviewing.
"Trust properties" includes funds in the form of cash or checks, and personal
property other than cash or checks, received by the licensee to be held in trust for the
benefit of the depositor of the property or for the benefit of third persons, or both.
"Wall certificate" means a certificate of license issued by the commission to
a qualified person either as a salesperson or broker. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren
§16-99-2, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; am 9/29/86; am
and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-1.5, 467-7, 467-8, 467-11,
467-12, 467-14, 467-25.5)
§16-99-3 Conduct. (a) To fully protect the general public in its real estate
transactions, every licensee shall conduct business, including the licensee's own
personal real estate transactions, in accordance with this section.
(b) The licensee shall protect the public against fraud, misrepresentation,
or unethical practices in the real estate field. The licensee shall endeavor to
eliminate any practices in the community which could be damaging to the public or
to the dignity and integrity of the real estate profession. The licensee shall assist the
commission in its efforts to regulate the practices of brokers and salespersons in this
(c) The licensee shall not be a party to the naming of a false
consideration in any document, unless it be the naming of an obviously nominal
(d) The licensee shall recommend that title be examined, survey be
conducted, or legal counsel be obtained when the interest of either party requires it.
(e) The broker shall keep in special bank accounts, separated from the
broker's own funds, moneys coming into the broker's possession in trust for other
persons, such as escrow funds, trust funds, clients' moneys, rental deposits, rental
receipts, and other like items.
(f) The licensee, for the protection of all parties with whom the licensee
deals, shall see that financial obligations and commitments regarding real estate
transactions, including real property rental management agreements, are in writing,
express the exact agreements of the parties, and set forth essential terms and
conditions, and that copies of those agreements, at the time they are executed, are
placed in the hands of all parties involved.
When working with a seller in a "For Sale By Owner" or a "Courtesy to
Broker" situation, the licensee shall disclose who, if anyone, the licensee represents
and who will pay a commission, if any.
(g) The licensee shall not acquire, rent, lease, or exchange an interest in
or buy, rent, lease, or exchange for one's self, any member of the licensee's
immediate family or brokerage firm, or any entity in which the licensee has any
ownership interest, property listed with the licensee, licensee's brokerage firm, or
listed with any other brokerage firm or licensee without making the true position
known in writing to the listing owner or property owner. When offering for sale,
lease, exchange, or rental, property which the licensee owns or has an interest in,
the licensee shall fully inform the principal broker of the licensee's intention to sell,
lease, exchange, or rent, and of the licensee's interest in the property. The licensee
shall reveal the interest to the purchaser, lessee, or tenant in writing prior to
accepting any offer.
(h) When acting as agent in the management of property, the licensee
shall not accept any commission, rebate, or profit on expenditures for or from an
owner, without the owner's and principal broker's knowledge and consent.
(i) The brokerage firm shall not submit or advertise property without
written authorization, and in any offering the price quoted shall not be other than
that agreed upon with the owner as the offering price.
(j) A licensee shall transmit immediately all written offers in any real
estate transaction as defined in section 16-99-3.1 to the listing broker who has a
written unexpired exclusive listing contract covering the property. Each written
offer, upon receipt by the listing broker, shall be transmitted to the seller
immediately. In the event that more than one formal written offer on a specific
property is made before the owner has accepted an offer, any other formal written
offer presented to the broker, whether by a prospective purchaser or another broker,
shall be immediately transmitted to the owner for decision. If an offer or counter
offer is rejected, the rejection shall be noted on the offer or counter offer, or in the
event of seller's or buyer's neglect or refusal to do so, the broker for the rejecting
party shall note the rejection on the offer or counter offer and a copy shall be
returned immediately to the originator of the offer or counter offer.
(k) The brokerage firm shall not compensate a licensee of another
brokerage firm in connection with a real estate transaction without paying directly or
causing the payment to be made directly to the other brokerage firm. This
requirement shall not apply in cases where the licensee or the licensee’s estate is
receiving compensation from a former brokerage firm for commission earned while
the licensee was affiliated with that former brokerage firm, regardless of whether the
licensee is on inactive status or on forfeited status or deceased.
(l) A licensee shall not place any sign or advertisement indicating a
property is for sale, rent, lease, or exchange without the written authorization of the
owner or seller and approval of the principal broker or broker-in-charge.
(m) There shall be a principal broker or one or more brokers-in-charge,
or both, at the principal place of business, and one or more brokers-in-charge at a
branch office who shall be immediately responsible for the real estate operations
conducted at that place of business.
(n) A brokerage firm shall maintain a principal place of business located
in this State at a business address registered with the commission from which the
brokerage firm conducts business and where the brokerage firm’s books and records
are maintained.
(o) Prior to the time the principal broker or the broker-in-charge is
absent from the principal place of business for more than thirty calendar days, and
no other broker-in-charge is registered for the principal place of business, the
principal broker shall submit to the commission a signed, written notification of
the absence designating a temporary principal broker or temporary broker-in-
charge, who shall acknowledge the temporary designation by signing the
notification. In case of prolonged illness or death where the principal broker or
broker-in-charge is unable to act, another broker shall be designated as the
temporary principal broker or broker-in-charge within thirty days of the illness or
death with appropriate notification and statement of a licensed medical doctor
certifying to the commission the inability of the broker to practice.
A temporary principal broker or broker-in-charge arrangement shall not
exceed a period of six months unless, prior to expiration of the initial six-month
period, the principal broker requests and obtains, upon a showing of good cause
for such extension, approval of the commission to extend the temporary
arrangement for up to an additional six months.
(p) No licensee shall act as a broker, broker-salesperson, or salesperson
for more than one brokerage firm except that this subsection shall not apply to those
situations as described in subsection (o).
(q) Within ten days of receiving a written request, it shall be the
responsibility of the principal broker or broker-in-charge of the brokerage firm to
provide broker applicants formerly or presently employed by or associated with
them with an accurate experience certification statement in the form provided by the
commission attesting to the length of time that the broker applicant has been
actively associated with or employed full-time by the brokerage firm.
Falsification of information contained in the certification form shall be cause for
revocation or suspension of the broker's or brokerage firm's license and of the
salesperson's license if that person is a party to the falsification.
(r) A broker licensee shall not sit for any Hawaii real estate broker or
salesperson examination during the period in which the licensee has a real estate
broker license unless specifically permitted by the commission.
(s) A salesperson licensee shall not sit for any Hawaii real estate
salesperson examination during the period in which the licensee has a real estate
salesperson license unless specifically permitted by the commission.
(t) An exclusive listing shall state a definite termination date.
(u) The licensee shall not add to or modify the terms of an instrument
previously signed or initiated by a party to a transaction without written consent of
all the parties.
(v) The licensee shall not convert other people's moneys to the licensee's
own use.
(w) Violation of any part of this chapter may be cause for revocation or
suspension of license. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-3, 4/27/81; am and comp
6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; am 9/29/86; am 7/11/87; am and comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-14)
§16-99-3.1 Disclosure of agency. (a) As used in this section:
"Buyer" includes a vendee, lessee, party to an exchange, or grantee of an
"Buyer's agent" means a real estate broker who acts as the agent of the buyer.
"Contract between the buyer and seller" includes a purchase contract, an
option, an offer to purchase, a sales contract, an offer to lease, or a lease.
"Listing brokerage firm" means the real estate brokerage firm that obtains a
listing of real estate for sale, lease, exchange (residential, time share, industrial, or
commercial) or for an interest in a residential cooperative housing corporation.
"Seller" includes a vendor, lessor, party to an exchange, or grantor of an
"Selling brokerage firm" means a real estate brokerage firm that acts in
cooperation with a listing broker and finds and obtains a buyer in a transaction.
"Subagent" means a real estate brokerage firm or salesperson to whom an
agent delegates agency powers.
"Transaction" means any sale, lease, rent, or exchange of real estate
(residential, time share, industrial, or commercial) transaction or a sale or exchange
of, or option involving, an interest in a residential cooperative housing corporation,
but excluding leases for one year or less.
(b) At the time a listing brokerage firm obtains a listing, the listing
brokerage firm shall disclose the following:
(1) Whether the seller authorizes the listing brokerage firm to appoint
seller's subagents through a multiple listing service or otherwise; and
(2) Whether the seller authorizes the listing brokerage firm to share
commissions with seller's subagents or buyer's agents.
The disclosure shall be in writing, dated, and signed by the seller and the listing
brokerage firm.
(c) Prior to preparing any contract between the buyer and the seller, the
following disclosure shall be made at least once to the buyer, in writing or orally:
(1) If the licensee acting as the listing brokerage firm is acting alone and
providing services to the buyer, the licensee shall disclose who the
licensee represents in the transaction;
(2) If the licensee, acting in cooperation with a listing brokerage firm,
has found the buyer in the transaction, the licensee shall disclose
who the licensee represents in the transaction; or
(3) If there is no listing brokerage firm, each licensee providing services
to the buyer with respect to the transaction shall disclose whether the
licensee represents the buyer or the seller in the transaction.
(d) Prior to presenting a contract between the buyer and the seller to the
seller, the following disclosure shall be made at least once to the seller, in writing or
(1) The licensee acting as the listing brokerage firm shall disclose to the
seller who the selling brokerage firm represents in the transaction; or
(2) If there is no listing brokerage firm, each licensee involved in the
transaction shall disclose to the seller whether the licensee represents
the buyer or the seller in the transaction.
(e) Any disclosure required by subsections (c) and (d) shall be
confirmed in writing in a separate paragraph titled "AGENCY DISCLOSURE" in
the contract between the buyer and the seller. The title shall be in no less than
ten-point bold print. No particular disclosure language is required. To assist
licensees, the commission approves the following language:
, and all licensees
(Print name of Selling Brokerage Firm,)
(or Listing Brokerage Firm if acting alone)
employed by or associated with the brokerage firm,
represents the . By
(Buyer or Seller)
initialing below, the Buyer and Seller confirm that oral or written
disclosure of such representation was provided
to them before the signing of this contract.
Buyer's initials Seller's initials"
(f) Unless specifically restricted by the real estate brokerage firm in
writing, any real estate salesperson, employed by or associated with a real estate
brokerage firm, shall be authorized to make the required disclosures on behalf of the
real estate brokerage firm. Failure to make the disclosure required by subsections
(b), (c), and (d) or to obtain the written confirmation thereof shall subject the real
estate brokerage firm and the real estate salesperson to disciplinary action by the
(g) A licensee may not be the agent for both the buyer and the seller
without obtaining the written consent of both the buyer and the seller. The written
consent shall state that the licensee made a full disclosure of the type of
representation the licensee will provide and shall briefly describe the type of
representation the licensee will provide to the buyer and to the seller. A general
statement in the consent signed by the buyer and seller that the licensee represents
both buyer and the seller is not sufficient.
(h) A licensee representing a buyer shall disclose, orally or in writing,
such agency to the seller, or the listing brokerage firm if there is a listing brokerage
firm, before negotiations are initiated. The licensee shall disclose, orally or in
writing, to the seller, or the listing brokerage firm if there is a listing brokerage firm,
whether the licensee is, or intends to be, the buyer, before negotiations are initiated.
(i) If any change occurs in a transaction which makes a prior written or
oral disclosure required by this section incomplete, misleading, or inaccurate, the
licensee shall promptly make a revised written disclosure if the prior disclosure was
in writing, or a revised oral disclosure if the prior disclosure was made orally, to the
buyer or seller, or both, as the case may be. Any revised written disclosure shall
include the date of the revised disclosure and be acknowledged separately by the
signature of the buyer or seller, or both, as the case may be.
(j) The obligation of either the seller or buyer to pay compensation to a
brokerage firm is not determinative of the agency relationship.
(k) Nothing in this chapter shall affect the validity of title to real
property transferred, based solely on the reason that any licensee failed to conform
to the provisions of this chapter. [Eff 7/11/87; am and comp 11/3/90; comp
2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §467-14(12))
§16-99-4 Client's account; trust funds; properties other than funds. (a)
Every brokerage firm that does not immediately place all funds entrusted to the
brokerage firm in a neutral escrow depository, shall maintain a trust fund account in
this State with some bank or recognized depository, which is federally insured, and
place all entrusted funds therein. The trust fund account shall designate the
principal broker as trustee and all trust fund accounts, including interest bearing
accounts, shall provide for payment of the funds upon demand.
(b) Every brokerage firm shall retain for at least three years records of all
trust funds which the brokerage firm has received. All records and funds shall be
subject to inspection by the commission or its representative. The three-year
requirement shall be for real estate license law purposes only. The brokerage firm
may be required to keep records for a longer period of time for other purposes. The
records shall be kept in Hawaii in accordance with standard accounting principles
and shall clearly indicate the following:
(1) Names of the persons from whom funds are received, for whom
deposited, and to whom disbursed;
(2) Dates of receipt, deposit, withdrawal, and disbursements, and
amounts received, deposited, withdrawn, and disbursed;
(3) Description of the trust fund and the purpose for its establishment;
(4) Purposes for the money; and
(5) Other pertinent information concerning the trust fund transactions.
(c) Trust fund accounts shall be either interest bearing or non-interest
bearing, as agreed to in writing between the owner of funds and the principal broker
or broker-in-charge receiving the funds and all other individuals who are parties to
the real estate agreement. For interest bearing accounts, these same parties to the
real estate agreement shall also agree in writing as to who shall pay for any early
withdrawal penalty. The principal broker or broker-in-charge shall keep any interest
belonging to others in the trust fund account and shall not commingle the accrued
interest with the brokerage firm's, principal broker's, or broker-in-charge’s general
operating account or with the brokerage firm's, principal broker's, or broker-in-
charge’s own funds. All agreements relating to disbursements of the accrued
interest from the client trust account shall be in writing, signed by the owner of the
trust fund, the principal broker or broker-in-charge receiving the funds, and all other
individuals who are parties to the real estate agreement. The interest accrued on any
trust account deposit shall be disbursed in strict compliance with the written
disbursement agreement. In the absence of a written agreement, any interest accrued
shall be paid to the owner of the funds.
(d) Every brokerage firm shall deposit or place trust funds received into
a neutral escrow depository or in a trust fund account with some bank or recognized
depository, which is federally insured, by the next business day following their
receipts. The neutral escrow depository shall be located in the same state where the
property is located.
(e) Each principal broker or broker-in-charge who receives personal
property, other than funds, in trust for other people, shall safeguard the property by
placing the property by the next business day in a secure place located in the State.
(f) The principal broker or broker-in-charge shall retain for at least
three years records of all personal property other than trust funds coming into the
possession of the principal broker or broker-in-charge as trustee. All records of the
personal property held in trust shall be subject to inspection by the commission or its
representative and kept in the State at the place of business. The records shall
clearly indicate the following:
(1) Date of receipt of the personal property to be held in trust;
(2) A description of and the type of trust property received;
(3) From whom the personal property held in trust was received;
(4) For whose benefit the personal property is being held in trust; and
(5) The date and to whom the personal property is to be delivered.
(g) Property of others coming initially into the possession, custody, or
control of a salesperson or broker-salesperson, to be held in trust for the benefit of
the depositor or third persons, shall be received on behalf of the salesperson's or
broker-salesperson's principal broker or broker-in-charge, and shall be delivered
immediately by the next business day after receipt to the salesperson's or broker-
salesperson's principal broker or broker-in-charge, unless the salesperson or broker-
salesperson is instructed as to another time in writing by the depositor. The received
property shall include but not be limited to: cash or checks as down payments,
earnest money deposits, security deposits, and rental income; other checks payable
to third persons or trust accounts; and personal property other than cash or checks.
(h) The principal broker or broker-in-charge shall not commingle
client's funds with other moneys; provided, however, it shall not constitute
commingling to:
(1) Hold an uncashed check until acceptance of an offer when directed
to do so by the buyer or offeror;
(2) Hold an uncashed check after acceptance of an offer when directed
to do so by the seller or offeree; or
(3) Maintain a minimum amount in the client's account to keep the
account open.
The fact that a check is being held in an uncashed form in paragraph (2) shall be
specifically disclosed in writing to the seller or offeree before acceptance of the
offer. Commingling of the client's funds with other moneys shall include, but not be
limited to, keeping undisputed commissions, management fees, and other fees in the
brokerage firm’s client trust account beyond a reasonable time after those
commissions, management fees, and other fees have been earned.
(i) A salesperson, broker-salesperson, or employee shall not handle trust
properties in any way without the express written authorization of the person's
principal broker or broker-in-charge. A principal broker or broker-in-charge may
authorize a salesperson, broker-salesperson, or employee, in writing, to place trust
properties on behalf of the brokerage firm anywhere the principal broker or broker-
in-charge could place them, but shall not authorize any other disposition. A
principal broker or broker-in-charge shall be held responsible for any trust properties
the principal broker or broker-in-charge authorizes a salesperson, broker-
salesperson, or employee to handle.
(j) A principal broker or broker-in-charge shall not allow any person to
have custody or control of trust properties held by the principal broker or broker-in-
charge except as provided in chapter 467, HRS, and this chapter.
(k) A principal broker may allow a broker-in-charge to have custody and
control of trust properties on behalf of the principal broker. The principal broker
and broker-in-charge shall be jointly responsible for any trust properties the
principal broker authorizes the broker-in-charge to handle.
(l) Information about escrow accounts and records for real estate
transactions under the real estate brokerage firm shall be retained for at least three
years, subject to inspection by the commission or its representative at the place of
business. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-4, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am
and comp 3/3/84; am 9/29/86; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-
1.6, 467-14)
§16-99-5 Notification and filing of names, addresses, and changes. (a) Each
individual licensee shall file with the commission and shall notify the commission
of any change in writing, within ten days of the change, on a form provided by the
(1) The licensee's legal name, residence address, and mailing address;
(2) The name and license number of the brokerage firm with whom the
licensee is employed or associated.
(b) Each brokerage firm shall file with the commission:
(1) The address of the brokerage firm's principal place of business and
the name and license number of the principal broker and each
(2) The address of each branch office;
(3) The name and license number of each licensee employed by or
associated with the brokerage firm; and
(4) In the case of a partnership, corporation, or limited liability
company, the names and addresses of the partners, officers and
directors, or members and managers as the case may be.
(c) Upon closing the principal place of business or a branch office, the
principal broker or broker-in-charge shall immediately notify the affected licensees.
Within ten days of the date of closing the principal place of business, the principal
broker shall provide the commission in writing on a form provided by the
commission, the names and license numbers of the affected licensees.
(d) A principal broker or broker-in-charge shall release a licensee from
employment or association within ten days upon written request. Any individual
licensee who changes employing or associating brokerage firm shall notify the
commission in writing, on a form provided by the commission, within ten days of
the change, or immediately place the individual's license on inactive status.
(e) Any licensee whose license has been forfeited, suspended, revoked,
or terminated shall immediately cease employment and shall return the licensee's
wall certificate and identification card to the commission.
(f) A licensee who resides in another state or country shall be subject to
receipt of service of process by the principal broker or broker-in-charge on the
licensee's behalf.
(g) All changes submitted to the commission pursuant to this section
shall be effective as of the dates indicated on a form provided by the commission.
(h) The principal broker or any broker-in-charge of the brokerage firm
may sign the form submitted to the commission to report changes pursuant to this
(i) A licensee shall be subject to disciplinary action for failure to submit
notifications required by this section within ten days of the change. [Eff 12/26/74;
am and ren §16-99-5, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; am and
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-1.5, 467-8, 467-11, 467-12)
§16-99-5.1 Involuntary inactive license status. (a) An individual's license
shall be placed on an involuntary inactive status upon the occurrence of one or more
of the following:
(1) The principal broker's license is placed on an inactive, forfeited,
suspended, revoked, or terminated status;
(2) The brokerage firm, whether a corporation, limited liability
company, or partnership, with which the licensee is affiliated or
employed, is no longer registered with the business registration
(3) The license of the licensee's brokerage firm is placed on an inactive,
terminated, revoked, forfeited, or suspended status;
(4) The principal broker is unable to act in the case of prolonged illness
or death and no temporary principal broker has been designated
pursuant to section 16-99-3(o);
(5) The brokerage firm has no approved place of business; and
(6) The principal broker is absent from the place of business for more
than thirty calendar days, or moves out-of-state, and no commission
approved temporary principal broker or broker-in-charge has been
designated pursuant to section 16-99-3(o).
(b) A branch office license shall be placed on an involuntary inactive
status upon the occurrence of one or more of the following:
(1) The license of the brokerage firm or the principal broker is placed on
an inactive, forfeited, suspended, revoked, or terminated status; and
(2) The principal broker is unable to act in the case of prolonged illness
or death and no commission approved temporary principal broker or
broker-in-charge has been designated pursuant to section 16-99-3(o).
(c) A principal broker or broker-in-charge may place an individual
licensee associated with or employed by the brokerage firm on an involuntary
inactive status after written notification to the affected individual licensee.
(d) A brokerage firm's license, whether a corporation, limited liability
company or partnership, shall be placed on an involuntary inactive status upon the
occurrence of one or more of the following:
(1) The principal broker's license is placed on an inactive, forfeited,
suspended, revoked, or terminated status;
(2) The brokerage firm is no longer registered with the business
registration division;
(3) The principal broker is unable to act in the case of prolonged
illness or death and no temporary principal broker has been
designated pursuant to section 16-99-3(o);
(4) The brokerage firm has no approved place of business; and
(5) The principal broker is absent from the place of business for more
than thirty days, or moves out-of-state, and no commission
approved temporary principal broker or broker-in-charge has been
designated pursuant to section 16-99-3(o). [Eff and comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-7, 467-11, 467-12)
§16-99-5.2 Statewide license. A brokerage firm may associate or employ a
salesperson or broker-salesperson who resides on an island different from that of the
principal place of business, provided that:
(1) The principal broker shall maintain compliance with section 467-1.6,
HRS, and all other requirements for supervision;
(2) The salesperson or broker-salesperson shall not maintain or advertise
a place of business other than the principal place of business;
(3) Any advertisements on an island different from that of the principal
place of business shall disclose the name of the brokerage firm and
the address and phone number of the principal place of business;
(4) All agency disclosures required by section 16-99-3.1 shall include
that the principal place of business is located on a different island;
(5) The salesperson or broker-salesperson shall provide clients with an
effective means of communication with the principal broker, at no
cost to the client. [Eff and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth:
HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-1.6, 467-12)
§16-99-6 Display of license. The brokerage firm's certificate of license
shall be conspicuously displayed in the principal place of business. [Eff 12/26/74;
am and ren §16-99-6, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; am and comp
11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§467-14) (Imp: HRS §§467-8, 467-12)
§16-99-7 Renewal of license. The biennial renewal fee and completed
renewal application shall be submitted on or before the commission prescribed
deadline. Unless renewed, all real estate licenses expire at the end of every even-
numbered year. When the renewal deadline falls on a non-working day, renewal
fees paid by mail shall be considered as paid when due if the envelope bears a
postmark of no later than the first working day thereafter. Failure to submit a
completed renewal application and failure to pay the renewal fee when due, or if the
check is not honored by the bank for whatever reason, shall constitute automatic
forfeiture of license. The principal broker shall ensure that all licensees are
currently licensed at all times during employment or association. [Eff 12/26/74; am
and ren §16-99-7, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; am 9/29/86; am and
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-1.6, 467-11, 467-14)
§16-99-8 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-9 Suspended license. The commission, as a form of disciplinary
action against a licensee, may suspend the right of the licensee to use the license for
a period not to exceed five years. Prior to conducting any real estate activity, a
licensee with a suspended license shall reinstate the license pursuant to section 92-
17(c)(3), HRS. If the licensee fails to file for reinstatement within thirty days after
the end of the suspension, the license shall be forfeited. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren
§16-99-9, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §§92-17(c)(3), 436B-20, 467-8, 467-9, 467-9.6, 467-14)
§16-99-10 Revoked license. An individual whose license has been revoked
shall apply for a new real estate salesperson license by filing an application and
complying with all requirements for new applicants. The commission may waive
the applicable education requirements of section 467-9.5, HRS, pursuant to section
16-99-37. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-10, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82;
comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-8, 467-9, 467-14)
§16-99-10.5 Other requested material. The commission may require the
person requesting reinstatement of a suspended license or applying for a new license
following license revocation to submit other information and documents that may be
helpful to the commission in evaluating the person's request. [Eff and comp
11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §§92-17(c)(3), 467-9)
§16-99-10.6 Surrender of real estate license. (a) A licensee who has no
pending complaints, investigations, disciplinary petitions filed against the licensee,
or disciplinary hearings before the commission may surrender the person's real
estate license, and shall:
(1) Return the licensee's pocket identification card and wall certificate to
the commission; and
(2) Cease conducting any real estate activities.
(b) Should an individual desire to engage in any real estate activities the
individual shall obtain a new license as a new applicant for a salesperson license.
[Eff and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-7, 467-10)
§16-99-11 Advertisement. (a) All real estate advertising and promotional
materials shall include the legal name of the brokerage firm or a trade name
previously registered by the brokerage firm with the business registration division
and with the commission. For advertising and promotional purposes only, a
brokerage firm may:
(1) Abbreviate "Incorporated," "Corporation," "Limited," "General
Partnership," "Limited Partnership," "Limited Liability Company,"
or "Limited Liability Partnership" from the licensed name; and
(2) Use "dba" in conjunction with the licensed name and a trade name.
(b) No licensee shall advertise "For Sale by Owner," "For Rent by
Owner," "For Lease by Owner," or "For Exchange by Owner."
(c) Current individual real estate licensees, whether active or inactive,
shall disclose the licensee's status as a real estate licensee in all advertising and
promotional material.
(d) A leasehold property advertised for sale in any medium shall be
identified by the word "leasehold."
(e) All advertising and promotional materials that refer to the
individual licensee's name, including but not limited to business cards, shall:
(1) Include the licensee's legal name, name as licensed by the
commission, or sole proprietor's trade name as licensed by the
(2) Identify the licensee with the licensee's associating or employing
brokerage firm; and
(3) Specify that the licensee is a broker (B), or salesperson (S), or if a
current member of the Hawaii Association of Realtors, Realtor (R)
or Realtor-Associate (RA).
(f) If the address of any unregistered place of business is included in
advertising materials, then the street address of the principal place of business or
the branch office, as the case may be, shall be included and respectively identified
as such. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-11, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am
and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-7)
§16-99-12 Exam site solicitation. On the day of a real estate licensing
examination, a licensee shall not at the exam site or at any place on the property
where the exam site is located, directly or indirectly, recruit, solicit, offer to employ,
discuss employment with, or distribute literature promoting the licensee to any
individual who sits for that examination. [Eff and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am
and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-25)
§16-99-17 Forms and instructions. An application filed with the
commission shall be prepared in accordance with and contain the information and
documentation called for in the application form and the accompanying instructions
provided by the commission. All applications shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable fee as provided in rules adopted by the director of commerce and
consumer affairs pursuant to chapter 91, HRS. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren
§16-99-17, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §§26-9(k), 467-9, 467-9.6, 467-11, 467-14)
§16-99-18 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-19 License applications. (a) All applications for a real estate
salesperson or broker license shall be accompanied by:
(1) The required fee; and
(2) Supporting documents to satisfy the applicable education and
experience requirements. Applications not accompanied by
supporting documents shall be rejected. In the event an applicant
has not satisfied the applicable education and experience
requirements, the applicant’s examination score shall be declared
void and license application rejected.
(b) An application for a branch office registration shall be accompanied
by the required branch office registration fee. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-19,
4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp
2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS
§16-99-19.1 License name. (a) An individual may designate a license
name different from the individual's legal name, provided that:
(1) The license name of individual broker, broker-salesperson, or
(A) Shall include the individual's full legal surname;
(B) May include the individual's initials, full legal first name, full
legal middle name, full legal name, or nickname; and
(C) May retain the individual's former legal surname if the
surname is legally changed subsequent to licensing, provided
that the change is reported pursuant to section 16-99-5;
(2) The license name of a sole proprietor broker:
(A) Shall comply with the provisions of paragraph (1); and
(B) May include a trade name currently registered by the broker
with the business registration division and with the
commission, provided that the trade name complies with
section 467-9, HRS.
(b) The license name of a corporation, limited liability company, or
(1) Shall be its legal name, provided that the name complies with section
467-9, HRS; and
(2) May include a trade name currently registered by the entity with the
business registration division and with the commission, provided
that the trade name complies with section 467-9, HRS. [Eff and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §467-9)
§16-99-19.2 Experience certificate application. (a) Candidates for the
broker examination shall submit to the commission a completed experience
certificate application together with:
(1) A nonrefundable application fee; and
(2) A certified statement by the principal broker or a broker in charge
of each of applicant's brokerage firms during the three years
immediately preceding the application for experience certificate,
that attests to the length of time that the applicant has been actively
associated or employed full-time with the brokerage firm.
Applicants shall have experience in this State as a full-time Hawaii-licensed real
estate salesperson, associated as an employee or independent contractor with an
active Hawaii-licensed brokerage firm, for at least three years within the five-year
period immediately prior to the application for experience certificate.
(b) "Full-time" means averaging at least forty hours a week devoted to
real estate salesperson activity. No pro rata credit shall be given to part-time real
estate salesperson activity.
(c) The commission shall verify the applicant's dates of employment or
association with each brokerage firm, and dates of release from the firm's
employment or association, on the experience certification statements with the
records of the commission. An applicant shall not receive credit for any
experience for periods during which the applicant’s license was inactive, forfeited,
suspended, revoked, or terminated.
(d) The commission may grant an equivalency for the experience
requirement based on real estate license experience in another state with similar
education requirements; provided that an out-of-state applicant shall have
experience as a full-time licensed real estate salesperson with an active out-of-state
brokerage firm, for at least three years within the five-year period immediately prior
to the application for experience certificate; or possess a current, unencumbered out-
of-state real estate broker’s license. All requests for equivalency to the experience
requirement shall be submitted in writing together with all required documents of an
official nature with the experience certification application.
(e) The commission may reject an application for experience
certificate if the application is incomplete or if the applicant's real estate
salesperson license is in forfeited, suspended, revoked, or terminated status.
(f) If the applicant has satisfied the three-year full-time experience
requirement, the commission shall issue to the applicant an experience certificate
that shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance. The experience
certificate shall be produced at the applicant's examination appointment and
submitted with the applicant's application for individual broker license. [Eff and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-
§16-99-20 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-21 Denial. In the event an application for admission to the
examination, for issuance, reinstatement, or restoration of a license is denied, the
commission shall notify the applicant by letter of the commission's action which
shall include a concise statement of the reasons therefor and if the applicant is
entitled to a hearing, a statement informing the applicant of the right to a hearing if
the applicant so desires. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-21, 4/27/81; am and
comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-15)
§16-99-22 Demand for a hearing. Any person whose application for
admission to the examination, for the issuance, reinstatement, or restoration of a
license has been denied by the commission, shall be entitled to a hearing; provided
that a demand for a hearing is filed with the commission within sixty days of the
date of the letter informing the applicant of the denial of application; and provided
further that this section shall not apply to a denial based on the failure to file an
application within the period provided by this chapter. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren
§16-99-22, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS
§16-99-23 Proceedings upon demand for hearing. If a demand for a hearing
is filed within the time prescribed, the commission shall order a hearing pursuant to
chapters 91 and 92, HRS, and chapter 16-201, Administrative Practice and
Procedure. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-23, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82;
am and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-15)
§16-99-24 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-25 Falsification of application. The commission may deny an
applicant admission to the examination, or issuance of license, void applicant's
examination score, or revoke a license on the ground of falsification of any
information supplied in the application for examination, application for experience
certificate, application for license, or supporting documents. [Eff and comp
6/28/82; comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-14)
§16-99-29 Examination for broker and salesperson license. (a) No license
shall be issued to any individual unless the individual takes and passes an
examination as prescribed by the commission for the license applied for. The
minimum passing score for the uniform and the State portions of the examination
shall be seventy for salesperson applicants and seventy-five for broker applicants.
Any individual who fails to obtain a passing score in any part of the examination
shall repeat that part of the examination. Failure to obtain a passing score in all
parts thereof within the two-year period after the first examination date, shall result
in failure of the examination as a whole and the entire examination shall be repeated
by the candidate.
(b) Any eligible individual shall forfeit the examination fee if the
individual does not sit for the examination.
(c) Unsuccessful candidates, rejected applicants, and individuals granted
withdrawal who wish to sit for subsequent examinations shall file a new application
and comply with all requirements each time.
(d) The examinations shall be given on dates and at locations as
determined by an agreement between the commission and a professional testing
service, and may include examination locations outside the State.
(e) Examinations shall be conducted in accordance with procedures
formulated by the testing agency authorized by the commission to administer
examinations. Failure to follow such procedures shall result in immediate
disqualification from the examination and may bar candidates from being examined
in any future examinations.
(f) Any individual who passes the salesperson or broker examination
shall be required to apply for the individual’s active or inactive license within two
years of the individual’s last examination date. Failure to apply for a license within
two years of the last examination date shall cause the examination and license
application to be abandoned pursuant to section 436B-9, HRS, and the individual
shall be required to pass the examination again.
(g) At the location for examination, all candidates for salesperson or
broker examination shall present a current real estate school completion certificate
or current education equivalency certificate. Candidates for broker examination also
shall present a current experience certificate at the examination location. [Eff
12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-29, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp
3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-9) (Imp: HRS §§467-8, 467-9, 467-9.5)
§16-99-30 Examination subject matter. Candidates shall demonstrate, by
passing with a grade satisfactory to the commission an examination given by it and
appropriate to the license sought, that they have a reasonable knowledge of general
principles and practices of real estate transactions and the law and rules pertaining to
or relating to real estate, and such other subjects and matters which
the commission or its designated examining agency determines to be essential to the
protection of the general public in its real estate transactions. [Eff 12/26/74; am and
ren §16-99-30, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp:
HRS §467-8)
§16-99-36 Education requirement. The education requirement for the
salesperson license examination shall be satisfied by successful completion of a
curriculum in real estate at an accredited institution, consisting of a minimum of
sixty class hours and conforming to the approved curriculum for salesperson
adopted by the commission or such equivalent education or experience as shall be
determined by the commission. The education requirement for the broker license
examination shall be satisfied by successful completion of a curriculum in real
estate at an accredited institution, consisting of a minimum of eighty class hours and
conforming to the approved curriculum for brokers adopted by the commission or
equivalent education or experience as shall be determined by the commission. A
"class hour" as used in this section means sixty minutes of classroom instruction.
[Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-36, 4/27/81; am and comp 6/28/82; am and comp
3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §§467-8, 467-9.5)
§16-99-37 Education equivalency. (a) The commission may grant an
equivalency to the respective education requirements for applicants for the
salesperson license examinations for:
(1) Those who hold a current license that was active within one year
immediately prior to the date of application as a salesperson or
broker in another state with similar or superior education
requirements as determined by the commission;
(2) Graduates of an accredited law school in the United States; or
(3) Bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree graduates of
accredited colleges and universities in the United States who have
majored in real estate or business.
(b) The commission may grant an equivalency to the respective
education requirements for applicants for the broker license examinations for:
(1) Those who hold a current license that was active within one year
immediately prior to the date of application as a broker in another
state with similar or superior education requirements as determined
by the commission; and
(2) Graduates of an accredited law school in the United States.
(c) All requests for equivalency to the educational requirements shall be
submitted in writing, together with all supporting documents of an official nature to
the commission for its review, prior to filing the application for examination.
(d) An approved education equivalency shall be valid for two years from
the date of issuance. [Eff 12/26/74; am and ren §16-99-37, 4/27/81; am and comp
6/28/82; am and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-9.5)
§16-99-38 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-39 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-40 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-41 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-42 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-43 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-44 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-45 Repealed. [R 3/3/84]
§16-99-46 Real estate education fund. The commission may authorize the
use of funds deposited in the real estate education fund for the benefit of and
improvement of services to the consuming public, licensees, commissioners, and
staff. The education fund may be used for classes, media exposure, participation in
national associations, publications, research, seminars, studies, and any other
educational purpose as the commission may determine. [Eff and comp 6/28/82; am
and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-19)
§16-99-50 Policy. (a) A registered school shall not offer courses which may
be used to fulfill the educational requirements for a real estate license unless it first
registers with the commission and complies with the requirements of this
(b) "School" as used in this subchapter includes, but is not limited to, a
private school, or an accredited college or university offering courses used to fulfill
the educational requirements for initial licensing. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-51 Registered school. (a) A registered school shall be a school
which applies for a certificate of registration from the commission and which is
found by the commission to have met the requirements imposed by chapter 467,
HRS, and this chapter.
(b) A registered school shall have on file at the school's principal office,
for commission inspection upon request, unit and daily lesson plans implementing
the school's approved curriculum. Such plans should specify at minimum: the
objectives of the unit and daily lesson plan stated in student performance terms; and
an evaluative method to determine that the students have been taught the objectives
of the unit and daily lesson. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp
2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5)
(Imp: HRS §§467-9.5, 467-25.5)
§16-99-52 Repealed. [R 5/21/01].
§16-99-52.1 Independent study courses. (a) Independent study courses
shall conform to commission-approved curricula and shall meet the specific
standards of this section and all other applicable requirements of this chapter.
(b) An independent study course for satisfaction of the salesperson
education requirement shall reasonably require the student to expend a minimum
of sixty hours in completing the course. An independent study course for
satisfaction of the broker education requirement shall reasonably require the
student to expend a minimum of eighty hours in completing the course.
(c) Every registered school offering an approved independent study
course for satisfaction of the salesperson or broker education requirement shall:
(1) Be available to answer students' questions or provide them
assistance as necessary;
(2) Provide reasonable oversight of students' work in order to insure
that the student who completes the work is the student who is
enrolled in the course;
(3) Obtain from each student the following certification statement:
"I certify that I have personally completed each assigned module of
Date Student's Signature"
(4) Certify students as successfully completing an independent study
course only if the student has:
(A) Completed all instructional modules required to
demonstrate mastery of the material, and
(B) Passed the final examination. [Eff and comp 5/21/01; am
and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-5.5) (Imp:
HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-53 Application for registration. (a) A registration shall be granted to
the owner for a specific school registered under a particular name to teach specific
real estate courses.
(b) Application for the initial registration of a school shall be made to
the commission not less than ninety days before the opening date of the school.
(c) The following shall accompany an application:
(1) Current certificates of clearance from the county building
department, the county fire department, and the state department of
health for each classroom;
(2) A description of the courses to be offered which contains the course
title, curriculum, curriculum objectives in student performance
terms, evaluative procedure to be used to demonstrate the
accomplishment of the curriculum objectives and procedures for
student evaluation of the instructor;
(3) A copy of the student enrollment or student registration form;
(4) A copy of the school catalogue or brochures and a statement of the
content of advertising and the media to be used;
(5) A schedule of all fees, tuition, and charges to be made, including the
advance deposit charged per student and statement of refund
(6) The name and qualifications of the school's principal;
(7) The names of the school's instructors and the instructors' teaching
qualifications and experience;
(8) A surety bond to the commission conditioned for the protection of
the contractual rights of real estate students in an amount equal to the
sum of:
(A) The maximum number of students permitted in each broker
classroom as determined by the county building department
multiplied by the advance deposit charged per student for the
broker course multiplied by the maximum number of broker
courses to be held at any one time during the first year of the
school's registration; and
(B) The maximum number of students permitted in each
salesperson classroom as determined by the county building
department multiplied by the advance deposit charged per
student for the salesperson course multiplied by the
maximum number of salesperson courses to be held at any
one time during the first year of the school's registration.
In no event shall the amount of the bond be less than $2,000.
The bond shall be issued by a surety authorized to do
business in the State. An accredited college or university
shall not be required to submit to the commission a surety
bond or license fee as required by this section;
(C) No bond shall be required to cover real estate students only
enrolled in an independent study course delivered
electronically or as approved by the commission;
(9) A license fee;
(10) A statement of ethical practices;
(11) If the applicant is a partnership, the names of the partners in the
entity and a copy of the partnership agreement;
(12) If the applicant is a corporation, the names of any persons who own
five per cent or more of the stock of the entity, and a copy of the
articles of incorporation; and
(13) Other additional information as may be required by the commission.
(d) A school shall not begin operation until it has registered with the
(e) A school shall not solicit students until it has registered with the
commission. However, a school in the process of obtaining a license may advertise
"subject to completion of all registration requirements" and the statement shall be a
part of all representations.
(f) A school shall limit its course offerings to courses approved by the
(g) The registration of a school shall expire at the end of every
even-numbered year. Registrations shall be renewed biennially by the commission-
prescribed deadline.
(h) A school ceasing to operate shall so inform the commission and shall
surrender its registration within thirty days after cessation of operations.
The registration of such a school shall be canceled automatically thirty days after
cessation of operations unless a longer period of inactivity has been applied for in
writing and approved by the commission. For the purposes of this subsection, "a
school ceasing to operate" means a school which has not held any classes for a
period of three months.
(i) A registered school shall not conduct classes when it has been
notified by the appropriate county agency that the conditions existing at the school's
facilities violate county building, fire, or health codes. The school may resume its
operations when it has remedied the violation. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am 10/3/85;
am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-53.1 Alternative forms of school bond. (a) Where a surety bond
required by sections 16-99-53 and 16-99-65 cannot reasonably be secured and the
school owner has received three letters rejecting the owner's application for a surety
bond, the commission, after a review of the reasons for rejection, may accept other
alternative forms of security including but not limited to:
(1) Submission of an executed agreement between the school owner and
two other commission-approved registered real estate school owners
guaranteeing that they will honor all students' contracts that were
signed or approved by the school owner should the owner be unable
to complete the instructing of such courses because of the owner's
death, disability, bankruptcy, or extended absence from the State
beyond four months; and
(2) Submission of one of the following: a certificate of deposit from a
federally insured institution, in the amount equal to the required
bond; a cashier's check from a federally insured institution, in the
amount equal to the required bond; an irrevocable letter of credit on
a form approved by the commission drawn upon a bank or savings
and loan association, in the amount of the bond required; or any
other alternative security approved by the commission for
substitution of the bond.
(b) Any certificate of deposit, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit,
or other approved alternative security shall be issued from a federally insured
institution located in this State, made payable to the commission or in the case of a
letter of credit shall designate the commission as beneficiary for the benefit of any
eligible person sustaining damage resulting from the school owner's failure to
faithfully, promptly, and truly perform the instruction of any real estate courses
contracted to teach. The commission shall retain possession of the security as
prescribed by this section for a period of six years dating from the first day of the
school's registration and dating subsequently each six years from the first day of the
school's biennial registration renewal. In the event any of the alternatives to the
surety bond earns interest while in the possession of the commission, the interest
shall belong to the school's owner. At the expiration of the six-year holding period
as calculated pursuant to this section, the commission shall release all alternative
forms of school bonds in amounts remaining as security if no claims have been
made against any amounts during the time the commission held the security and if
the school owners, heirs, personal representatives, successors, or permitted assigns
execute appropriate release forms indemnifying the commission and the State.
(c) Cancellation of surety bond. A registered school that has been
notified that the school's surety bond required by this subchapter has been canceled,
shall not schedule any course offerings until such time that the school submits to the
commission proof of a valid surety bond. [Eff and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91;
am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§26-9(p), 467-4)
(Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-54 Changes in school's owners. (a) Any change in the ownership
status of a school shall be approved by the commission.
(b) A change in partners shall be deemed a change in ownership. Any
change in ownership of fifty per cent or more of a corporation's outstanding capital
stock or any change in ownership of any number of shares of stock which results in
the transferee thereof becoming the owner of fifty per cent or more of the
outstanding capital stock, shall be deemed a change in ownership.
(c) The new owner shall submit written evidence to the commission
that, as of the effective date of the change in ownership, the new owner shall:
(1) Assume liability for all or substantially all of the school's outstanding
debts incurred as a direct result of the school's educational activities;
(2) Honor all student contracts that were signed or approved by the
school's authorities before the effective date of the change in
ownership. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91;
comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5)
(Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-55 Display of certificate of registration and instructor's certificate.
Each school granted a certificate of registration and each instructor granted an
instructor's certificate shall prominently display it in its business office at all times.
[Eff and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-56 Classrooms. (a) Every school shall have and maintain
classrooms which have adequate space, seating, equipment, and instructional
material. Each classroom shall be approved by the commission and shall have
current certificates of clearance from the county building department, the county fire
department, and the state department of health. Classrooms shall be subject to
inspection by the commission prior to approval or subsequent thereto during regular
school hours.
(b) Classrooms shall conform to the zoning, building, electrical,
plumbing, and fire codes of the county in which the facility is located
and to State rules as may be applicable to the facility. [Eff and comp
3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS
§16-99-57 Courses. (a) The initial curriculum and any additional courses
offered by a school shall be approved by the commission.
(b) Broker and salesperson classes shall not be held together unless
approved by the commission. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp
2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp:
HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-58 Faculty. (a) Each school shall designate an individual as
(b) The principal shall be responsible for:
(1) Complying with the commission's rules relating to real estate
(2) Providing reports and information as may be required by the
(3) Informing the commission in writing five business days prior to any
changes in school policies, programs, personnel, facilities, tuition,
calendar, and all other matters changing the status of the school as
originally licensed;
(4) Advertising by the school; and
(5) Directing and supervising the school staff and program.
(c) Every instructor shall be biennially certified by the commission.
Certification shall be obtained by each instructor for each course the instructor
desires to teach. The commission may, prior to the instructor's initial certification
and prior to any recertification, require the instructor to do either or both of the
following: to complete a commission sponsored or approved instructor's workshop,
or to appear before the commission to demonstrate the instructor's command of and
ability to communicate the prelicense course.
(d) Each instructor shall initially take and pass an examination with a
minimum passing score of eighty-five per cent or as prescribed by the commission
and shall:
(1) Hold a current and unencumbered Hawaii real estate broker's license,
have at least three years full-time experience in real estate in Hawaii,
and fulfill the present experience requirement for a Hawaii broker's
(2) Hold a degree in law and be an attorney licensed and in practice in
the area of real estate for at least two years in this State;
(3) Hold an appointment to the real estate faculty of an accredited
college or university; or
(4) Have graduated from an accredited college or university, have at
least three years full-time experience in real estate in Hawaii, and
fulfill the present experience requirements for a Hawaii broker's
(e) Each instructor shall have had one year prior teaching experience in
real estate within three years preceding the application for certification and possess
in addition to the requirements in subsection (d):
(1) A certificate of completion from a special real estate instructor
institute issued within a year immediately preceding the request for
(2) A certificate of completion from a professional real estate course
leading to a professional designation accepted by the commission;
(3) An appointment to the real estate faculty of an accredited institution
of higher education;
(4) A certificate of completion from an accredited salesperson and
broker course; or
(5) Other as the commission may determine (including successfully
passing a qualifying real estate license examination).
(f) School personnel shall comply with applicable state department of
health requirements.
(g) An instructor may not be certified if the individual has been:
(1) Disciplined by the commission or any state or by any licensing
regulatory body for fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in connection
with the sale, purchase, exchange, or property management of any
interest in real estate or for any other conduct substantially related to
the practice or profession of real estate; or
(2) Convicted of a crime which substantially relates to the profession of
teaching or to the practice or profession of real estate.
(h) A registered school shall obtain the approval of the commission prior
to scheduling the appearance of a guest lecturer or substitute teacher as an instructor
for a specified topic of instruction included in its approved curriculum. A guest or
substitute teacher shall not be used for more than fifty per cent of its scheduled
classes. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5)
(Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-59 Tuition and other charges. (a) Tuition rates and all other charges
shall be published in the school catalogue. No school shall deviate from its
published tuition rates and charges.
(b) Tuition and other charges collected from enrollees shall be refunded
in full by the school if the course for which the tuition and charges were collected is
not started on the date published by the school in its catalogue or advertisements.
(c) Tuition and other charges shall be specifically set forth in the school
registration form. The registration form shall expressly state the school's
policy regarding the return of tuition and other charges when a student is dismissed
or withdraws voluntarily. Each student shall acknowledge acceptance of the
school's tuition policies on the school's registration form. [Eff and comp 3/3/84;
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-
4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-60 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-61 Certificate of completion. A certificate of completion shall be
issued by the school in a form and size approved by the commission, and shall be
awarded only to a student who attends eighty per cent of the scheduled classes and
who completes with a passing grade the final examination of a course of study
conforming to the approved curriculum or who completes an independent study
course under section 16-99-52.1. The certificate shall be valid for a period of two
years from the date of issuance. The date of issuance shall be the class completion
date. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-9.5, 467-25.5)
§16-99-62 Records. (a) Each school shall maintain records on the
(1) Class attendance of each student;
(2) Tuition and other charges collected from each student;
(3) The names of the students to whom it issued a certificate of
completion, the course for which the certificate of completion was
issued, and the date when the certificate of completion was issued,
which shall be submitted to the commission within ten days of the
class completion date; and
(4) The qualifying exams administered for purposes of issuing a school
certificate of completion.
(b) Within ten days of issuance of a Hawaii school completion
certificate, the school shall submit to the commission:
(1) A listing of students who have completed the course with their
course completion certificate number, curriculum instructor names
and date when the certificate of completion was issued; and
(2) Other information requested by the commission.
(c) These records shall be maintained for a three-year period, shall be kept
current, and shall be available for inspection by the commission. [Eff and comp
3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-63 Reports. Each school may be required to submit reports to the
commission and may be subject to review regarding its educational programs
conducted in conformance with this chapter. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5)
(Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-64 Inspections. Registered schools and schools that have applied
for registration may be inspected by the commission. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; comp
11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-65 Renewals. (a) Applications for renewal of a school's registration
shall be submitted by the commission prescribed deadline of every even-numbered
(b) The following shall accompany an application:
(1) A renewal fee;
(2) A statement as to the enrollment and advance deposit charged per
student for each of the school's broker and salesperson courses
offered during the preceding registration period;
(3) The dates and locations of course of study to be offered if the
registration is renewed; and
(4) A surety bond to the commission conditioned for the protection of
the contractual rights of real estate students in an amount equal to the
sum of:
(A) The largest number of students enrolled in the school's
broker course at any one time during the preceding
registration period multiplied by the advance deposit charged
per student for the broker course; and
(B) The largest number of students enrolled in the school's
salesperson course at any one time during the preceding
registration period multiplied by the advance deposit charged
per student for the salesperson course.
In no event shall the amount of the bond be less than $2,000. The
bond shall be issued by a surety authorized to do business in the
(c) A registration shall be renewed if the school meets all of the then
existing applicable requirements of the commission including but not limited to a
reasonable student exam passing percentage, demonstrated evidence that the school
curriculum objectives have been taught, certificates of completion issued within the
past year, for each instructor, who completed successfully a commission sponsored
or approved prelicense instructor's workshop, and an update of the information
required for its original application for registration.
(d) An accredited college or university shall not be required to submit to
the commission a surety bond or pay the renewal fee as required by this section.
[Eff and comp 3/3/84; am 10/3/85; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-11, 467-25.5) (Imp:
HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-66 Advertising. (a) For purposes of this subchapter, "advertising"
means an announcement by an accredited real estate school for the purpose of
promoting the school or soliciting students and shall include, but not be limited to,
all printed, audio, and visual communications, such as newspaper advertisements,
direct public mailings, books and periodicals, television and radio commercials,
current and future technology, and others.
(b) All advertisements soliciting students shall be of an announcement
type listing, at the minimum, the place where a school catalogue or brochure may be
(c) Prior to publication and dissemination, all schools shall submit to the
commission for review all copies or proofs of advertising, brochures, and
promotional materials covering its real estate course.
(d) The commission, at any time may require that a school furnish proof
of any of its advertising claims. Retractions of advertising claims may be ordered
by the commission, with the retractions published in the same manner as the claims
(e) A school shall be held strictly responsible for the acts and promises
of all its agents or persons engaged in soliciting students. [Eff and comp 3/3/84;
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-67 School brochure or catalogue. (a) Each school shall distribute to
prospective students and other interested persons, a brochure or catalogue. Each
brochure or catalogue shall include, at minimum, the following:
(1) Name, address, and telephone number of the school;
(2) Date of issue;
(3) School's owner or owners and principal;
(4) Any available locations, and if the class location is tentative, that fact
shall be disclosed;
(5) School's calendar;
(6) Class hours;
(7) Schedule of all charges;
(8) A statement that the school's curriculum is available for any student's
inspection upon request;
(9) Course titles and objectives;
(10) Course outlines or description;
(11) Length of course;
(12) School's policy on attendance, absences, and make-up;
(13) School's policy on grading, reporting of grades, and standards
(14) School's policy on student conduct;
(15) School's policy on refund of tuition and other fees collected;
(16) If a minimum number of students is necessary to operate a class, that
fact shall be disclosed and a minimum number given; and
(17) If the course or any portion of the services are advertised as being
free, a complete disclosure of all conditions shall be stated.
(b) Each brochure or catalogue shall be updated periodically so that the
information contained in it is current. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90;
comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-68 Prohibited advertising practices. (a) No school shall provide any
information to the public or to prospective students which is false, misleading, or
deceptive. Information is "misleading" when there may be a possibility that it will
deceive the class of persons whom it is intended to influence.
(b) No school shall use any name, other than the name under which it
registered with the commission, for advertising or publicity purposes.
(c) No school shall advertise that it is "recommended," "endorsed,"
"approved," or "accredited" by the commission. A school may indicate that it is
"registered" with the commission to conduct courses to qualify applicants for the
real estate license examination.
(d) No school shall make any warranties or guarantees that a student will
pass the real estate license examination by taking its course.
(e) No school shall advertise that it is endorsed by business
establishments, organizations, or individuals engaged in the kind of work for which
training is given until written evidence of this fact is filed with the commission.
(f) No school shall solicit students in "help wanted" or other
employment columns in newspapers or other publications or in any other form of
advertising other than that which shows itself clearly to be that of a school seeking
to enroll students.
(g) No school shall make or imply any guarantee of employment or
income to any student or prospective student unless the school can in fact guarantee
employment or income and the school does so in writing.
(h) No school shall advertise a course of instruction which has not been
approved by the commission unless the advertisement clearly states that it is a
"proposed" or "tentative" offering, subject to the approval of the commission. No
money shall be collected from any prospective student for enrollment in such a
course until it has been approved by the commission. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; comp
11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-69 Revocation or suspension of school registration, course approval,
and instructor certification. The commission may revoke or suspend the registration
of any real estate school, the approval of any real estate course, or the certification of
any instructor for any of the following causes:
(1) The school, instructor, or course falls below the minimum
requirements established by the commission including a student
exam passing percentage;
(2) The school or instructor violates any ordinances, codes, statutes, or
rules relating to real estate schools or instructors;
(3) The school or instructor solicits information from any person for the
purpose of discovering past examination questions or questions
which may be used in future examinations;
(4) The school or instructor distributes to any person copies of
examination questions or otherwise communicates to any person
examination questions, without the prior written approval of the
copyright owner of the examination questions so distributed or
communicated; or
(5) The instructor sits for a Hawaii real estate license examination
during the period the instructor is certified by the commission.
[Eff and comp 3/3/84; am and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91;
comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-25.5)
(Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-70 Hearings. (a) When the commission denies an application for
registration or renewal of a school, or deems it proper to revoke or suspend the
registration of any school, the approval of any course, or the certification of any
instructor, the commission shall notify in writing the person or school involved of
the commission's action. The notification shall include a concise statement of the
reasons for the commission's action and a statement that the person or school
involved may request a hearing.
(b) Requests for a hearing shall be filed with the commission within
sixty days of the date of the letter informing the school or instructor of the
commission's action.
(c) If a demand for a hearing is filed within the time prescribed, the
commission shall order a hearing pursuant to chapters 91 and 92, HRS, and chapter
16-201, Administrative Practice and Procedure. [Eff and comp 3/3/84; am 9/29/86;
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-25.5) (Imp: HRS §467-25.5)
§16-99-71 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-75 Administrative practice and procedure. The rules of practice and
procedure for real estate shall be as provided in chapter 16-201, the rules of practice
and procedure of the department of commerce and consumer affairs, which are
incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter. [Eff 9/29/86; am and
comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§91-2,
442-5) (Imp: HRS §§91-2, 442-5)
§16-99-79 Recovery fund settlement procedures. Upon the occurrence of
all of the following, the commission may settle any subsequent claim against the
real estate recovery fund involving a licensee that was previously named in an
order and on whose behalf the commission had been required to make payments out
from the recovery fund:
(1) The claimant is seeking recovery against the same licensee as named
in an order for which the commission had been required to make a
payment from the recovery fund;
(2) The claimant is similarly situated as the claimant named in an order
for which the commission has been required to make a payment
from the recovery fund;
(3) The claimant notifies the commission in writing within the same
time period specified in section 467-18, HRS, that it has commenced
an action for a judgment which may result in collection from the real
estate recovery fund;
(4) The claimant files a verified claim with the commission stating with
particularity the reasons, grounds, and evidence in support of
claimant's request for settlement directly with the commission;
(5) The claimant gives reasonable notice to the licensee at the licensee's
last known address by registered or certified mail, restricted delivery
to addressee only, return receipt requested that claimant intends to
settle the claim directly with the commission together with a copy of
the verified claim. Where it is impossible to give licensee notice by
mail, claimant shall give notice to licensee by publication once in a
newspaper of general circulation in the State, that the claimant
intends to settle the claim directly with the commission, a summary
of the reasons, grounds, and evidence supporting claimant's relief
from the recovery fund. Any notice given shall also contain a
statement to the effect that any payment from the recovery fund shall
result in an automatic termination of the licensee's license;
(6) The licensee has had an opportunity to respond within a reasonable
time, in writing, to claimant's verified claim;
(7) That claimant is not a spouse of the licensee, or the personal
representative of such spouse;
(8) The claimant has made all reasonable searches and inquiries to
ascertain whether the licensee is possessed of real or personal
property or other assets, which may be used to satisfy the claim and
that by such search the claimant has discovered no such assets;
(9) The commission is satisfied, that there is sufficient evidence to
support a settlement of the claim; and
(10) The settlement is in the best interest of the real estate recovery
fund.[Eff and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §467-16)
§16-99-83 Oral testimony. (a) The commission shall accept oral testimony
on any item which is on the commission's agenda, provided that the testimony shall
be subject to the following conditions:
(1) Each person seeking to present oral testimony shall so notify the
commission no later than forty-eight hours prior to the meeting, and
at that time shall state the item on which testimony is to be
(2) The commission may request that any person providing oral
testimony submit the remarks, or a summary of the remarks, in
writing to the commission;
(3) The commission may rearrange the items on the agenda for the
purpose of providing for the most efficient and convenient
presentation of oral testimony;
(4) Persons presenting oral testimony, at the beginning of the testimony,
shall identify themselves and the organization, if any, that they
(5) The commission may limit oral testimony to a specified time period
but in no case shall the period be less than five minutes, and the
person testifying shall be informed prior to the commencement of
the testimony of the time constraints to be imposed; and
(6) The commission may refuse to hear any testimony which is
irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious to the agenda item on
which it is presented.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall require the commission to hear or
receive any oral or documentary evidence from a person on any matter which is the
subject of another pending proceeding subject to the hearing relief, declaratory
relief, or rule relief provisions of chapter 16-201.
(c) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the commission from soliciting
oral remarks from persons present at the meeting or from inviting persons to make
presentations to the commission on any particular matter on the
commission's agenda. [Eff and comp 11/3/90; comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §467-4) (Imp: HRS §92-3)
§16-99-87 Definitions. As used in this subchapter:
"Beyond professional entry" means the course objectives involve learning
outcomes which help the licensee develop more than minimal entry level
competency in the subject matter of the course including consumer protection in real
estate transactions.
"Certified" means that the commission has made a determination that the
course or course offering satisfies all requirements prescribed by statutes and rules.
"Clock hours" means sixty minutes of classroom instructions excluding time
for registration and other non-instructional matters.
"Consumer protection" means course content relating to section 467-14,
HRS, or section 16-99-3.
"Continuing education" means clock hours of core courses and elective
courses that involve areas designed to improve a licensee's competency or
professional standards and practice, and `which courses are determined by the
commission to exceed minimum entry level competency in the subject matter of the
course, including consumer protection in real estate transactions.
"Continuing education hours" means the mandatory hours as required in
section 467-11.5, HRS.
"Core" course means a mandatory continuing education course or course
offering certified and designated as a "core" course by the commission that each
individual licensee must complete to satisfy the continuing education hours
"Completion of course" means licensee's orderly attendance throughout the
entire course.
"Course and course offering" means a continuing education module of
instruction certified by the commission, consisting of a minimum of three clock
hours and a maximum as the commission may determine.
"Disciplined by the real estate commission" means the commission's
issuance of a final order in which a licensee is found in violation of a specific real
estate law or rule; or means a commission approved settlement agreement in which
a licensee admits to violating a specific real estate law or rule.
"Elective" course means a continuing education course or course offering
certified by the commission that an individual licensee may choose to complete to
satisfy the continuing education hours requirement.
"Instructor" means an individual who teaches continuing education courses.
"Material change" means a significant deviation, in one or more aspects from
the course as originally certified by the commission including a change in course
length or clock hours, but not including changes designed to reflect recent changes
in statutes, regulations, or case law.
"Professional standards and practice courses" means course content relating
to real estate professional development that improves real estate competency of the
licensee or for the benefit of the real estate consumer, or both.
"Provider" means any person, partnership, association, corporation, limited
liability company, educational organization, school, or other entity which sponsors,
offers, organizes, develops, delivers, or provides for the instruction of a real estate
continuing education course.
"Registered" means a person, partnership, association, corporation, limited
liability company, educational organization, school, or other entity has submitted all
required documentation for registration as a provider and that the documentation
satisfactorily supports the provider's administrative ability for delivering continuing
education courses. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-88 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-89 Equivalent continuing education. (a) In reviewing a request for
an equivalency of the required continuing education hours as specified in sections
467-4.5 and 467-11.5, HRS, the commission may be guided but may not be limited
by all of the following:
(1) The request is for a course completed, within the current biennium
prior to license renewal, on or before the license expiration date;
(2) The request is for a course not specifically excluded by the
provisions specified in section 16-99-101; and
(3) The course objectives for the requested course equivalency must
satisfy the requirements of section 16-99-100, or the request is for a
course offered and completed outside the State and is:
(A) Certified by the Association of Real Estate License Law
Officials; or
(B) A national course that is delivered by an instructor certified
by the National Association of Realtors or its affiliates, the
Building Owners and Managers Association, the Community
Associations Institute, or any other national organization
approved by the commission.
(b) The licensee has the burden of presenting the commission with
sufficient information and documentation in support of the request for an
(c) A licensee who is issued a Hawaii real estate salesperson license
during an even-numbered year shall be deemed to have completed equivalent to the
continuing education hours as required by section 467-11.5, HRS, and section 16-
99-90. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-90 License renewal procedure. In renewing an individual license on
an active status, the licensee shall provide the commission evidence of completing
the continuing education hours as required in section 467-11.5 HRS, including a
mandatory core course if specified by the commission, which have been completed
on or before the commission-prescribed deadline of an even-numbered year and
within the current license biennium. Such evidence shall include but not be limited
to submission by the provider, using a commission-prescribed electronic method, of
the licensee's name, license number, license status, course and instructor names, and
other information the commission may require. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5)
(Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-91 Activating an inactive real estate license. Prior to making a
written request to activate an inactive status individual license, an applicant who has
been inactive for one or more renewal periods, shall first satisfy the prescribed
continuing education hours of one prior renewal period. The commission shall
credit the applicant with continuing education hours for any certified continuing
education core or elective courses completed during the immediate prior renewal
period. As an equivalent, where the commission deems appropriate, the inactive
licensee may retake and pass the applicable salesperson or broker prelicense
examination. The requirements of this section are in addition to other requirements
of this subchapter and chapter 467, HRS, for activating an inactive status license.
[Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-92 Continuing education hours in license restoration and
reinstatement cases. Prior to applying to the commission for restoration or
reinstatement of a license to active status, an applicant shall satisfy the prescribed
continuing education hours or the equivalent as determined by the commission for
one prior renewal period. The commission shall credit the applicant with continuing
education hours for any certified continuing education core or elective courses
completed during the immediate prior renewal period. As an equivalent, where the
commission deems appropriate, the applicant may either take and pass the
applicable salesperson or broker prelicense examination, or complete such other
courses as prescribed by the commission, or both. The requirements of this section
are in addition to other conditions stated in the order of suspension, and other
applicable requirements of this chapter and chapter 467, HRS. [Eff and comp
2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5,
467-11, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-93 Excess continuing education hours. Except as permitted by
sections 16-99-91 and 16-99-92, continuing education clock hours obtained in
excess of the continuing education hours required by section 467-11.5, HRS, cannot
be carried forward to satisfy the continuing education requirements for any
subsequent license renewal. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-94 Continuing education certificates of completion. The form of a
continuing education certificate of completion of course shall be as prescribed by
the commission. The number of continuing education hours appearing on each
certificate shall be the number of hours previously approved by the commission. A
continuing education provider may offer a class for more hours than previously
approved by the commission. But the number of course hours appearing on the
continuing education course completion certificate shall be only for the amount as
previously approved by the commission. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-95 Duplicate continuing education hours. Except as provided by the
commission or by this subchapter, a licensee shall not take a continuing education
course for which the licensee has already received a certificate within two
consecutive biennia. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-96 An instructor who is a licensee. In satisfying the continuing
education hours of a license period, an instructor who is a real estate licensee, may
use once in any two consecutive biennium, the clock hours for each course taught
except the core course which may be recognized for clock hours each biennium. The
one time use applies even when the instructor has taught the course more than once.
[Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth:
HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-97 Extensions. Upon application, on a form provided by the
commission, and for good cause shown as determined by the commission, the
commission may extend the time for completing the continuing education hours.
[Eff and comp 2/25/91; comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-98 Prior to offering a continuing education course. An individual or
organization may solicit students for, advertise for, or take reservations for a
continuing education course offering, when the proposed continuing education
course is:
(1) Certified by the commission;
(2) Identified by a specified commission assigned course number; and
(3) Sponsored by a registered continuing education provider. [Eff and
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-99 Application for registration as a continuing education provider.
(a) A continuing education provider shall be responsible for the administration of
the course offering. An application for registration as a continuing education
provider shall be made to the commission on a form prescribed by the commission.
The application shall be submitted with a nonrefundable application fee in an
amount as provided in rules adopted by the director of commerce and consumer
affairs pursuant to chapter 91, HRS, and include at least the following:
(1) The complete legal name of the provider, telephone number, current
mailing address, and the provider's administrative office address;
(2) The form of ownership of the provider, whether sole proprietorship,
partnership, corporation, or limited liability company, and the name,
telephone number, and current address of the provider's owner.
When the owner of the continuing education provider is not an
individual, the names, titles, and addresses of the directors, officers,
members, managers, or partners of the entity together with a stamped
filed copy of the articles of incorporation or partnership agreement
on file with the State business registration division must be
submitted to the commission;
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of the provider's
(4) A statement that all classroom facilities comply with the county
building department, county fire department, and the State
department of health requirements;
(5) A statement certifying that the provider has a student attendance
policy and procedures for monitoring attendance and record keeping
for a minimum of four years;
(6) A statement certifying that the provider has a policy for a refund,
issuance of a certificate of completion of course, and the means by
which the statement of policies shall be provided to a student prior to
registering for the course;
(7) A surety bond conditioned for the protection of the contractual rights
of real estate students in an amount not less than $2,000 issued by a
surety authorized to do business in the State; provided that no bond
shall be required if the course is delivered electronically or as
approved by the commission; and
(8) Other additional information as may be required by the commission.
(b) A nonrefundable application fee and the posting of a bond pursuant
to this section shall not be required of a provider that is a college or university
accredited by an accrediting organization approved by the Council of Post
Secondary Accreditation or the United States Department of Education (USDOE) as
an institution of higher learning. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am
and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-
4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-100 Criteria for approving and certifying continuing education
courses. (a) The commission may approve and certify a continuing education
course when the course satisfies all of the following:
(1) Is for a core or elective course designed for any one of the following
(A) Protecting the general public in its real estate transactions;
(B) Enabling the licensee to serve the objectives of the consumer
in a real estate transaction; or
(C) Enabling the licensee to develop and improve a licensee's
competency and professionalism in a changing marketplace;
(2) Qualifies as either a consumer protection or professional standards
and practice course as defined in this subchapter;
(3) Is developed for a knowledge and abilities level beyond
"professional entry";
(4) Includes in the course clearly defined course objectives;
(5) Specifies course objectives in terms of student performance; for
example, when the student completes the course the student can
analyze, summarize, identify, and provide resolutions to ethical
issues for a specific real estate transaction;
(6) Consists of a minimum of three clock hours;
(7) Issues upon the completion of the course offering a certificate of
course completion;
(8) Requires the completion of the course within the license biennium;
(9) Is offered by a registered continuing education provider;
(10) Is delivered live, or by other means of communication as approved
by the commission;
(11) Has a course outline detailing the sequence of topics, amount of time
allotted to each topic, and reading assignments; and
(12) Meets such other conditions as requested by the commission.
(b) In making a determination pursuant to this section, the commission
may consult with an advisory committee of real estate educators and practitioners
having specialized knowledge and practical experience with the subject matter of
the proposed course. Where the commission deems necessary, the commission may
also retain a consultant to assist the commission in making a determination pursuant
to this section. The consultant shall be compensated by moneys provided from the
real estate education fund. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-101 Courses not acceptable for continuing education course
certification. The commission may not certify a continuing education course, or any
portion thereof, which:
(1) Does not directly relate to real estate law or real estate practice;
(2) Is related to passing a prelicense real estate salesperson or broker
(3) Teaches general office skills, such as word processing, basic internet
skills, computer software or other technology, personal motivation,
and time management;
(4) Includes sales or promotions of a product or service or other
meetings held in conjunction with general real estate brokerage
(5) Is devoted to meals or refreshments;
(6) Is less than three clock hours in duration; and
(7) Does not meet the definition of continuing education as determined
by the commission. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5)
(Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-102 Application for certification of a continuing education course.
(a) An application for certification of a continuing education course
shall be made on a form prescribed by the commission. Applications for course
certification shall be made for all courses except those courses which have been
developed by the commission. The certification shall be valid for the duration of the
biennium license period for which certification is sought, unless sooner terminated
as provided by rules of this subchapter.
(b) An application for certification of a continuing education course
shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee as provided in rules
adopted by the director of commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to chapter 91,
HRS. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-103 Offerings of a certified continuing education course. (a) A
provider shall not solicit students for registration for any offering of a certified
continuing education course without first notifying the commission on a form
prescribed by the commission at least three calendar days prior to the course
offering date. In notifying the commission, the provider shall do all of the
(1) Notify the commission of the provider's intention to solicit students.
The notification shall contain at least the course offering
date, time, location, fees and charges, and the instructor's name; and
(2) Certify to the commission that the instructor meets the requirements
pursuant to section 16-99-104.
(b) The commission may, after a review of the information submitted
pursuant to (a)(1) and (2) of this section, confirm the course offering, assign a
course offering number, and issue a course offering certificate that shall be
prominently displayed at the course site. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5)
(Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-104 Criteria for certification of a continuing education instructor. (a)
Every continuing education provider shall determine that each instructor evidences
an ability to teach and command knowledge of the subject matter of the course and
shall certify to the commission on a form prescribed by the commission that each
instructor has met the commission requirements.
(b) A continuing education instructor evidences an ability to teach by
(1) A bachelor's degree or higher in education;
(2) A current teaching designation from an organization recognized by
the commission;
(3) A current teaching credential;
(4) A full-time current appointment to the faculty of an accredited
institution of higher education;
(5) Three years of full-time teaching in any field. "Three years of
full-time teaching" may have been accumulated over a period
exceeding three years;
(6) A certificate of completion from a special real estate instructor
institute approved by the commission; or
(7) Other experience or credentials as the commission may approve.
(c) A continuing education instructor evidences a command knowledge
of the subject matter of the course by:
(1) Possessing a bachelor's degree or higher from an institution of higher
education accredited by the USDOE with a major in a field of study
directly related to the subject matter of the continuing education
(2) Possessing a bachelor's degree or higher from an institution of higher
education accredited by the USDOE and five years of real
estate experience directly related to the subject matter of the
continuing education course;
(3) Practicing as a licensed attorney for at least three years in an area
directly related to the subject matter of the continuing education
(4) Serving an appointment to the real estate or any other faculty of an
institution accredited by the USDOE in an area directly related to the
subject matter of the continuing education course;
(5) Possessing a documented combination of: three years of experience
directly related to the subject matter of the continuing education
course; substantial participation in the development of real estate
curriculum or courses at a knowledge and skill level beyond
professional entry; substantial participation in the teaching of real
estate courses directly related to the subject matter of the continuing
education course at a knowledge and skill level beyond professional
entry, including but not limited to substantial participation in
teaching or development of seminars, workshops, educational
training courses offered at any state accredited institution of learning,
or at any college or university accredited by the USDOE, or at any
real estate office; or
(6) Possessing other experience or credentials as the commission may
(d) Any individual meeting the criteria for approval as a continuing
education instructor, may not be certified by the provider if the individual has been:
(1) Disciplined by the commission of any state or by any licensing
regulatory body for fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in connection
with the sale, purchase, exchange, or property management of any
interest in real estate or for any other conduct substantially related to
the practice or profession of real estate;
(2) Convicted of a crime which substantially relates to the profession of
teaching or to the practice or profession of real estate; or
(3) Determined to have scored below the minimum requirements as
established by the commission, which may include a standardized
student evaluation rating.
(e) The commission may require that each instructor complete an
instructor's workshop as approved by the commission prior to teaching in each
(f) "Command knowledge" as used in this section means an
understanding, application, evaluation, and synthesis of the body of knowledge in
connection with the continuing education course at a level past professional entry.
[Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-105 Biennial provider registration and course certification. (a) A
continuing education provider shall be biennially registered with the commission.
The biennial registration renewal fee shall be paid to the department of commerce
and consumer affairs by the commission-prescribed deadline of every even-
numbered year.
(b) A continuing education course shall be biennially certified by the
commission. The biennial certification renewal fee shall be paid to the department
of commerce and consumer affairs by the commission-prescribed deadline of every
even-numbered year.
(c) The registration of a continuing education provider and the
certification of a continuing education course shall expire at the end of every even-
numbered year. To renew a provider registration or course certification, each
provider and each course owner shall, respectively, satisfy all of the following:
(1) Submit a new application for registration as a provider or course
(2) Satisfy, respectively, the initial registration and certification
requirements of this subchapter;
(3) Pay all required fees as set forth in rules adopted by the director of
commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to chapter 91, HRS; and
(4) Meet all other applicable requirements of this subchapter. [Eff and
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-106 Forfeited registration, certification; restoration. (a) Failure,
neglect, or refusal by any person to pay the respective biennial renewal provider
registration fee or course certification fee shall constitute a forfeiture of the
certificate of registration or certification.
(b) Any forfeited certificate of registration or certification may be
restored upon satisfaction of all of the following:
(1) Written application;
(2) Continued satisfaction of the respective requirements of sections
16-99-99 and 16-99-100; and
(3) Payment of the applicable fees specified in rules adopted by the
director of commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to chapter 91,
HRS. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-107 Fees. All fees shall be as provided in rules adopted by the
director of commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to chapter 91, HRS. [Eff and
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-108 Revocation or suspension of a continuing education course
certification. The commission may revoke or suspend the certification of a
continuing education course for any of the following causes:
(1) The course no longer satisfies the requirements of section 16-99-100;
(2) The course contains outdated or incorrect information; and
(3) Such other cause as may be determined by the commission. [Eff and
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-109 Revocation or suspension of a continuing education provider
registration. The commission may revoke or suspend a continuing education
provider's registration for any of the following causes:
(1) The provider allows its instructors to use outdated course
information and material in the teaching of any continuing education
(2) The provider permits a course to be taught by an instructor who is
not qualified to teach the continuing education course pursuant to
guidelines of section 16-99-104;
(3) The provider permits an individual who has been disciplined by the
commission or by any other licensing regulatory body of this State or
of any other state to have direct supervision of the continuing
education provider's staff or instructors, or to occupy a position from
which the individual can set policy and direct the operations of the
provider's continuing education business. The disciplinary action of
any other licensing regulatory body must have been for fraud,
misrepresentation, or deceit in connection with the purchase, sale,
exchange, management of any interest in real estate, or for any other
conduct substantially related to the practice or profession of real
(4) The provider permits an individual who has been convicted of a
crime in connection with operating a business relating to the delivery
of educational courses to have direct supervision of the continuing
education provider's staff or instructors, or to occupy a position from
which the individual can set policy and direct the operations of the
provider's continuing education business;
(5) The provider violates any statutes or rules relating to continuing
education providers;
(6) The provider falsifies or misrepresents any information or document
submitted to the commission;
(7) The provider fails to correct any noted defect pursuant to section
(8) The provider fails to satisfy the record keeping requirements of
sections 16-99-111 and 16-99-112; or
(9) Such other causes as may be determined by the commission. [Eff
and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-110 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-111 Record keeping responsibilities of a continuing education
provider. (a) A continuing education provider shall submit all required reports and
records by the deadline prescribed by this subchapter and by other designated
administrative deadlines as from time to time may be imposed by the commission.
(b) When a provider fails to keep, produce, or timely submit any report
or record as required by this section, the commission may do any or all of the
(1) Suspend, after written notice, without a hearing, the issuance of
blank forms of certificates of course completion;
(2) Suspend the issuance of a course number for any subsequent course
offering until the provider complies with the record keeping and
submittal requirements of this subchapter; or
(3) Revoke or suspend the registration of the provider. [Eff and comp
2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth:
HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-112 Record keeping information and retention period. (a) A real
estate continuing education provider shall maintain for a period of at least four
years records of course offerings (including names of instructors, dates of and
locations of course offerings), student attendance, student registration, course
completions, student evaluations, and personal information and resumes of its
instructors and administrators. Each student record shall include, at a minimum,
the following:
(1) The student's name, address, real estate license number, license
status, continuing education course completion information
including course and instructor names, course offering number and
date, and whether the student completed the course, course
completion certificate number, and amount of approved clock hours
of continuing education credits earned; and
(2) Proof of actual course attendance including a verified sign-in and
sign-out attendance sheet or a student certification statement in the
case of a continuing education course offered by alternative delivery
methods with interactive instructional techniques. The sign-in and
sign-out sheet may be kept in another location other than the
student's record, provided that reference to such location shall be
made in each student's record. The name, address, and phone number
of the individual who verified the student's attendance shall also be
noted in the student's record.
(b) Within ten days of the end of any continuing education course or
completion of course offered by alternative delivery methods, the continuing
education provider shall issue to each student having completed the course a
certificate of completion of course as prescribed by the commission. Except as
provided in sections 16-99-91 and 16-99-92, the continuing education certificate of
completion of course is valid only for the biennium license period in which the
course was completed.
(c) Within ten days of the end of the course or completion of course
offered by alternative delivery methods, the continuing education provider shall
submit to the commission:
(1) A listing of licensees who have completed the course with their
issued course completion certificate numbers, course and instructor
names, and course offering number and date, using a commission-
prescribed electronic method, together with the prescribed number of
copies as requested by the commission;
(2) When applicable, completed student evaluations of instructors for
each course offering; and
(3) Other information requested by the commission.
(d) A real estate continuing education provider shall issue a student a
duplicate certificate of completion of course upon receipt of a student's written
request for such a certificate.
(e) For any course attended by more than fifty students, the provider
shall provide at least one additional individual other than the instructor to administer
the course offering, including but not limited to keeping records of attendance,
preparing and distributing certificates, and assuring that physical facilities meet the
requirements of this subchapter. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am
and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS
§§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-113 Advertising. (a) For purposes of this subchapter, "advertising"
means an announcement by a continuing education provider for the purpose of
promoting itself as a provider or for soliciting students and includes, but is not
limited to, all printed and visual communications, such as newspaper
advertisements, direct public mailings, books and periodicals, television and radio
commercials, and others.
(b) All advertisements soliciting students shall be of an announcement
type listing, and minimally, include the name and address of the continuing
education provider, the place where a catalogue or brochure may be obtained, a brief
description of the course, a statement that the course can be used for satisfying
continuing education requirements, and the number of course hours approved for
continuing education.
(c) A continuing education provider shall keep on file at its place of
business all advertising materials, subject to inspection and review by the
commission upon written request.
(d) A continuing education provider shall not be advertised or be
represented as having been "registered" with the commission until the provider has
received written notification of its registration from the commission.
(e) All advertising materials and claims shall be free from
misrepresentation and fraud.
(f) The commission, at any time, may require that a continuing
education provider furnish proof of any of its advertising claims. Retractions of
advertising claims may be ordered by the commission, with the retractions
published in the same manner as the claims themselves.
(g) A continuing education provider shall be held strictly responsible for
the acts and promises of its agents who solicit students. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am
and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-114 Prohibited advertising practices. A continuing education
provider shall not engage in any of the following acts:
(1) Provide any information to the public or to a prospective student,
which is false, misleading, or deceptive. Information is "misleading"
when there may be a possibility that it will deceive the class of
persons whom it intended to influence;
(2) Use any name, other than the full name or the trade name registered
with the commission, for advertising or publicity purposes;
(3) Advertise that it is "recommended," "endorsed," "approved," or
"accredited" by the commission. A continuing education provider
may indicate that it is "registered" with the commission to conduct
courses to assist the licensee in obtaining the necessary continuing
education hours for license renewal;
(4) Advertise that it is endorsed by business establishments,
organizations, or individuals engaged in the kind of work for which
training is given until written evidence of this fact is filed with the
(5) Make or imply any guarantee of employment or income to any
student or prospective student unless the continuing education
provider can in fact guarantee employment or income and the
continuing education provider does so in writing;
(6) Advertise a course which has not been certified by the commission,
unless the advertisement clearly states that it is a "proposed" or
"tentative" offering, subject to the certification by the commission;
(7) Collect from any prospective student any tuition or advance deposits
unless the continuing education course is certified by the
commission. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-115 Continuing education course entrance requirements. Prior to
allowing any licensee into a continuing education course, a continuing education
provider shall verify the identification of that licensee. At minimum, the continuing
education provider shall require a picture identification and a current real estate
pocket card or notification of licensed status from the commission. In limited
circumstances, for reasons beyond the licensee's control, by way of example, but not
limited to the example where a licensee is in the process of restoring a forfeited
license, a provider may admit with a picture identification an individual, but shall
not issue a certificate of completion of the course until the licensee produces a duly
issued real estate license pocket card or commission issued real estate license
restoration application. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-116 Discontinuing course offerings. Ten days prior to the
cancellation of provider registration, a provider shall in writing inform the
commission of its intent to cancel its registration and discontinue the offering of
courses. Within a reasonable time, after informing the commission of its intention
to cancel its registration, the provider shall refund any course tuition and other fees
collected in advance. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-117 Material change. Any anticipated material change to a
commission certified continuing education course shall be submitted by the course
owner to the commission for approval thirty days prior to making the changes. [Eff
and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4,
467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-118 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-119 Review, evaluation, and investigation. With or without the
giving of any prior notice, the commission may conduct a review, evaluation, or
investigation of an application for continuing education course certification or
continuing education provider registration. With or without any prior notice, the
commission may conduct a review, evaluation, or investigation of a course
offering or a registered continuing education provider's operations and performance.
A review, evaluation, or investigation may be conducted by any means including but
not limited to surveys, observations, physical inspections, and on-site monitoring, as
well as interviews with providers, owners, administrators, instructors, and students.
When the commission has reason to believe that a continuing education provider
may be in violation of this subchapter or is otherwise failing to maintain reasonable
operating standards, the commission may give appropriate written notice to the
provider specifying the grounds for the violation and requiring that corrective action
be taken by the provider within thirty days of the receipt of the notice. The provider
may request a hearing of the alleged violations and requested corrective acts
pursuant to chapter 91, HRS, and chapter 16-201. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-120 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-121 Faculty. (a) Each continuing education provider shall designate
an individual as administrator.
(b) The administrator shall be responsible for:
(1) Complying with the commission's rules relating to continuing
education providers as set forth in this subchapter;
(2) Providing reports and information as may be required by the
(3) Informing the commission in writing ten business days prior to any
changes in the information on the application for registration as a
(4) Directing and supervising the continuing education provider's
faculty, staff, and program;
(5) Administering and maintaining the student evaluations; and
(6) Ensuring that instructors do not fall below minimum rating
standards. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-121.1 Instructor evaluation. (a) Course providers shall implement
a standardized student evaluation process as determined by the commission.
(b) Course providers shall ensure that student evaluations of
instructors do not fall below the minimum rating standards as determined by the
commission. [Eff and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5) (Imp:
HRS §467-4.5)
§16-99-122 Display of certificate of registration and instructor's certificate.
A continuing education provider shall prominently display its certificate of provider
registration in its business office at all times. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp:
HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-123 Classrooms. (a) A continuing education provider shall have
and maintain classrooms that have adequate space, seating, equipment, and
instructional material.
(b) A provider shall provide written certification to the commission that
each classroom conforms to the zoning, building, electrical, plumbing, and fire
codes of the county in which the facility is located and to State rules as may be
applicable to the facility. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5,
§16-99-124 Classroom compliance. A continuing education provider shall
not conduct classes when it has been notified by the appropriate county agency that
the conditions existing at the continuing education provider's facilities violate
county building, fire, or health codes. The continuing education provider may
resume its operations when it has remedied the violation. [Eff and comp 2/25/91;
am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5)
(Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-125 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-126 Repealed. [R 5/21/01]
§16-99-127 Denial, revocation, and suspension. (a) In the event an
application for provider registration, renewal of registration, course certification, or
renewal of certification is denied, the commission shall notify the applicant of the
commission's decision, state specifically the reason for denying the application, and
inform the applicant of the right to a hearing under chapter 91, HRS.
(b) In the event the commission deems it proper to revoke or suspend a
provider registration or course certification, the commission shall notify the provider
or course owner by mail of the commission's intent to revoke or suspend the
registration or certification, state specifically the reason for revocation or
suspension, and inform the provider or course owner of the right to a hearing under
chapter 91, HRS. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-128 Request for a contested case hearing. Any person whose
application for registration or certification has been denied, or whose registration or
certification has been revoked or suspended by the commission shall be entitled to a
hearing pursuant to chapter 91, HRS, and chapter 16-201; provided that a request for
a contested case hearing is filed with the commission in accordance with chapter 91,
HRS, and chapter 16-201. [Eff and comp 5/21/01; comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-4.5, 467-11.5) (Imp: HRS §§467-4.5, 467-11.5)
§16-99-147 Registration. (a) Registrations made pursuant to section
467-30, HRS, shall expire on December 31 of each even-numbered year.
(b) All business entities registered pursuant to section 467-30(b), HRS,
with the exception of sole proprietors, shall be currently registered, duly authorized,
and in good standing with the business registration division.
(c) Trade names used by condominium hotel operators shall be currently
registered with the commission and also currently registered, authorized by, and in
good standing with the business registration division.
(d) On or before the commission prescribed deadline of each even-
numbered year, condominium hotel operators shall submit a complete reregistration
application form, pay appropriate fees, submit evidence of a fidelity bond policy,
and submit any other additional information substantiating compliance with the
registration requirements of section 467-30, HRS, or be deemed by the commission
as unregistered and subject to new registration application requirements.
(e) Within ten days of any changes, the condominium hotel operator
shall notify the commission, in writing, of any changes in the information contained
on the registration or reregistration application, exemption, or exclusion forms.
(f) A registration application made pursuant to section 467-30(g)(2),
HRS, shall be submitted to the commission. The applicant shall certify for each
condominium project, unless otherwise approved by the commission, zoning
information that the condominium hotel is in a hotel or transient lodging zone;
together with submitting true copies of the condominium project declaration and
bylaws certified by the bureau of conveyances or land court containing specific
language permitting transient lodgings for periods of less than thirty days. [Eff and
comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-11, 467-30) (Imp: HRS §467-30)
§16-99-147.1 Condominium hotel operations. The condominium hotel
operator shall operate only in areas specifically authorized by county zoning
codes. The condominium project declaration and bylaws shall specifically permit
transient lodging of less than thirty days. [Eff and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS
§§467-4, 467-30) (Imp: HRS §467-30)
§16-99-147.2 Who may register as a condominium hotel operator. (a)
Only those persons who do not hold a real estate license, either salesperson or
broker, may register as a condominium hotel operator.
(b) Where an entity includes the following persons holding a real
estate salesperson or broker’s license, that entity may not register as a
condominium hotel operator:
(1) General partner or employee of a partnership condominium hotel
(2) An officer or employee of a corporation condominium hotel
(3) A member of a member-managed limited liability company
condominium hotel operator; or
(4) A principal having direct management and responsibility over
condominium hotel operations, including performing or facilitating
the delivery of customary hotel services. [Eff and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-30) (Imp: HRS §467-30)
§16-99-148 Fidelity bond. (a) The fidelity bond shall be issued by a
company currently authorized by the insurance commissioner of Hawaii to issue
insurance in this State.
(b) Unless otherwise approved by the commission, the fidelity bond
(1) Name the department of commerce and consumer affairs as the
certificate holder;
(2) Provide the department of commerce and consumer affairs with
written notification at least thirty calendar days prior to its
cancellation or termination;
(3) Provide coverage for condominium hotel operator activity only;
(4) Name the condominium hotel operator registrant only as the insured
and exclude any other person, trade name, or business entity as the
named insured;
(5) Specify that it is a fidelity bond and whether it is a blanket or name
schedule type, and if a name schedule type, lists all persons covered;
(6) Specify an expiration date or that it is continuous;
(7) Specify if the bond contains a deductible provision or a
nondeductible provision; and
(8) Provide other information as requested by the commission.
(c) The amount of the deductible shall not exceed the greater of $2,000
or five per cent of the face amount of the fidelity bond. In no case shall the amount
of the deductible exceed the maximum deductible amount of $5,000.
(d) When the fidelity bond is a name schedule bond, the condominium
hotel operator shall:
(1) Provide a certified statement listing the names of all persons
handling or having control of the funds received by the
condominium hotel operator; and
(2) Provide any changes in the listing of names submitted pursuant to
subsection (d)(1), on an amended certified statement within ten
calendar days of the change and an original of the amended fidelity
bond policy.
(e) Unless otherwise approved by the commission, the fidelity bond
shall not contain a criminal conviction endorsement or rider which requires the
prosecution or conviction of the employee as a condition precedent to recovery on
the bond.
(f) The commission shall terminate the registration of a condominium
hotel operator for failure to maintain a fidelity bond in compliance with section
467-30, HRS, and this chapter.
(g) The fidelity bond shall not be required of an individual owner
providing apartments or units for transient lodging; provided that ownership of the
apartment or unit is in the individual owner’s name and not in an entity’s name;
and provided further that the owner has no employees. Where the individual
owner has an employee, the individual owner shall obtain and maintain a fidelity
bond. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16]
(Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-30) (Imp: HRS §467-30)
§16-99-149 Client's trust funds, accounting, and records. (a) Condominium
hotel operators, including condominium hotel operators who are precluded from
holding a license as a real estate broker or real estate salesperson pursuant to 467-
30(g)(2), HRS shall comply with section 16-99-4. For purposes of compliance,
when the condominium hotel operator is not a real estate broker, references to
broker or principal broker in section 16-99-4 shall also mean "condominium hotel
(b) The condominium hotel operator shall not commingle the client's
trust funds with funds of other activities such as the association of apartment
owners, lease rent, condominium managing agent, or the condominium hotel
operator's own funds.
(c) The records of the client's trust funds shall not be commingled with
the records of other activities such as association of apartment owners,
condominium managing agents, or the condominium hotel operator's own funds.
Upon demand, the records of the client's trust funds shall be subject to inspection by
the commission or its representative. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and
comp 5/21/01; am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-30) (Imp: HRS
§16-99-150 Conduct. (a) The condominium hotel operator shall ensure that
the terms and conditions agreed upon between the apartment or unit owner and the
condominium hotel operator for operating a condominium hotel are in writing, and
that a copy is given to each apartment or unit owner. The terms and conditions shall
include but are not limited to financial obligations, responsibilities, and duties of the
condominium hotel operator.
(b) The condominium hotel operator shall not accept any compensation,
commission, rebate, or profit on any expenditure for or from an apartment or unit
owner, without the apartment or unit owner's knowledge and written consent.
(c) The condominium hotel operator shall provide a monthly written
accounting of the apartment or unit owner's funds or a periodic written accounting
based on the contractual agreement.
(d) The condominium hotel operator and its employees shall not violate
any provisions of chapter 514A, HRS, 514B, HRS, or the rules adopted pursuant
thereto, and where the condominium hotel operator or its employees possess a real
estate license, the licensees shall also not violate any provisions of chapter 467,
HRS, and the rules relating thereto. [Eff and comp 2/25/91; am and comp 5/21/01;
am and comp 12/19/16] (Auth: HRS §§467-4, 467-30) (Imp: HRS §467-30)
Amendments to and compilation of chapter 16-99, Hawaii Administrative
Rules, on the Summary Page dated March 25, 2015, were adopted on February 27,
2015, following a public hearing held on February 13, 2015, after public notices
were given in the Honolulu Star Advertiser, The Garden Island, West Hawaii
Today, Maui News, and Hawaii Tribune-Herald on January 14, 2015.
These rules shall take effect ten days after filing with the Office of the
Lieutenant Governor.
/s/ Nikki T. Senter
Real Estate Commission
APPROVED AS TO FROM : Date 11/1/16
/s/ Shari Wong
Deputy Attorney General
APPROVED: Date 11/21/16
/s/ Catherine P. Awakuni Colón
Commerce and Consumer Affairs
APPROVED: Date 12/9/16
/s/ David Y. Ige
Governor of Hawaii
Amendment and Compilation of Chapter 16-99
Hawaii Administrative Rules
February 27, 2015
1. §16-99-2 is amended.
2. §16-99-3 is amended.
3. §16-99-3.1 is amended.
4. §16-99-4 is amended.
5. §16-99-5 is amended.
6. §16-99-5.1 is amended.
7. §16-99-7 is amended.
8. §16-99-19.1 is amended.
9. §16-99-19.2 is amended.
10. §16-99-36 is amended.
11. §16-99-37 is amended.
12. §16-99-52.1 is amended.
13. §16-99-53 is amended.
14. §16-99-53.1 is amended
15. §16-99-58 is amended.
16. §16-99-61 is amended.
17. §16-99-62 is amended.
18. §16-99-66 is amended.
19. §16-99-67 is amended.
20. §16-99-87 is amended.
21. §16-99-89 is amended.
22. §16-99-90 is amended.
23. §16-99-93 is amended.
24. §16-99-95 is amended.
25. §16-99-96 is amended.
26. §16-99-99 is amended.
27. §16-99-100 is amended.
28. §16-99-101 is amended.
29. §16-99-103 is amended.
30. §16-99-104 is amended.
31. §16-99-109 is amended.
32. §16-99-111 is amended.
33. §16-99-112 is amended.
34. §16-99-121 is amended.
35. §16-99-121.1 is added.
36. §16-99-147 is amended.
37. §16-99-147.1 is added.
38. §16-99-147.2 is added.
39. §16-99-148 is amended.
40. §16-99-149 is amended.
41. §16-99-150 is amended.
42. Chapter 99 is compiled.