Rev. 03/15/2024 emsa-sw
University System of Georgia
Freshman Admission Requirements
Staying on Course: The Required High School Curriculum
The Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) is the cornerstone of the University System of Georgia (USG) ad-
mission policy. This document reflects the minimum high school RHSC unit requirements for each of the aca-
demic subject areas. Students should pursue a challenging and rigorous high school curriculum to be best pre-
pared for a successful college experience and should consult with their high school counselor to determine appro-
priate courses.
The course titles and numbers used in this document reflect those utilized by the Georgia Department of Educa-
tion. The USG colleges and universities also give consideration to similar courses for students attending private or
out-of-state high schools. In addition to the courses listed on this document, other Advanced Placement (AP) and
International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, as well as degree-level courses completed through Dual Enrollment,
may be considered.
In addition to these requirements, freshman applicants must meet the high school GPA and test score require-
ments, if applicable, for the college or university they are applying to attend. Students are encouraged to contact
the Admission Office of their USG college or university of interest to learn more about requirements, necessary
documentation, and deadlines. The contact information for the USG Admission Offices can be accessed by going
to the USG Institutions page and clicking on Profilefor the college or university of interest.
Please note that admission requirements are subject to change. Meeting the minimum requirements provided in
this document does not guarantee admission to any USG college or university. Eligibility for admission is deter-
mined after a complete review of an applicants credentials.
General questions regarding this document may be directed to the USGs Office of Student Affairs by emailing
student-affairs@usg.edu or calling 404-962-3110.
4 Carnegie units of college
preparatory English
Literature (American, English, World) integrated with grammar, usage and
advanced composition skills
View the courses that satisfy the English area of the RHSC.
4 Carnegie units of college
preparatory mathematics
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Advanced Algebra, and a 4th unit of advanced
math, or equivalent courses
View the courses that satisfy the mathematics area of the RHSC.
4 Carnegie units of college
preparatory science
Must include two courses with a laboratory component. Georgia public high
school students should have at least one unit of Biology, one unit of Physical
Science or Physics, one unit of Chemistry, Earth Systems, Environmental Sci-
ence, or an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course or the
equivalent, and an approved 4th science unit.
View the courses that satisfy the science area of the RHSC.
3 Carnegie units of college
preparatory social science
Must include one unit focusing on U.S. studies and one unit focusing on world
View the courses that satisfy the social science area of the RHSC.
2 Carnegie units of the same
foreign language
2 units of American Sign
2 units of computer science
The 2 units of the same foreign language must have an emphasis on speaking,
listening, reading and writing. The 2 units of computer science must have a
coding and programming emphasis.
View the courses that satisfy the foreign language/American Sign Language/
Computer Science area of the RHSC.
Rev. 03/15/2024 emsa-sw
  
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   
   
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    
    
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   -
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   
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 -
   
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  
  
  
  -
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 
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  
  
-  
   
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Rev. 03/15/2024 emsa-sw
Q. 1 How many total academic units must I complete to be considered for regular admission to a University System of Georgia
(USG) college or university?
A. Students must complete a minimum of 17 academic units consisng of 4 English, 4 mathemacs, 4 science, 3 social sci-
ence and 2 foreign language. Page 1 of this document provides more informaon on each of the subject area requirements
Do all of the USG colleges and universies require compleon of the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. All of the USG colleges and universies require compleon of the Required High School Curriculum for regular freshman
Should I pursue a challenging and rigorous high school curriculum?
A. In order to be best prepared for college, students are encouraged to take a challenging and rigorous high school curricu-
lum. Students should consult with their high school counselor to select courses suitable to their ability level in each subject
Are AP, IB, Honors, or Dual Enrollment classes viewed most favorably by college admission ocers?
A. Students are encouraged to pursue a challenging and rigorous high school curriculum appropriate to their ability level in
each subject area to be best prepared for a successful college experience. AP, IB, Honors, and Dual Enrollment classes can all
be considered rigorous. The USGs selecve colleges and universies, such as the Georgia Instute of Technology and the
University of Georgia, consider the context of the students high school when reviewing the rigor of their high school curricu-
lum. The most successful applicants are those who take advantage of the most rigorous curriculum available to them in
whatever form that may take.
What else do colleges look for in addion to the compleon of the Required High School Curriculum?
A. While the rigor of the high school curriculum is very important, it is not the only factor considered when determining an
applicants potenal to succeed in college and eligibility for admission. The high school grade point average (GPA) in academ-
ic courses and standardized test results, among other things, are also considered. These requirements can vary by instuon
so students are encouraged to view our USG Freshman Admission Requirements: SAT/ACT, HSGPA, and Freshman Index Re-
quirements document for addional informaon. Students are encouraged to check with the admission oce at their college
or university of interest or to visit their website for addional informaon.
Q.6 If I aend a private school or a public high school located outside of Georgia and my high school course tles are not the
same as those ulized by the Georgia Department of Educaon, how do I know if my courses will sasfy the USGs Required
High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. The course tles and numbers listed in this document reect those ulized by the Georgia Department of Educaon; how-
ever, the USG colleges and universies will give consideraon to similar courses taken by those aending a private school or
a public high school located outside of the state. Addional informaon, such as a course descripon, may be requested so
the college or university can determine if it is appropriate to count the course as an RHSC unit.
Q.7 If I aend a private school or a public high school located outside of Georgia and my school oers a course similar to an ap-
proved course that the Georgia Department of Educaon (GADOE) has disconnued, can the course oered at my school con-
nue to count as an RHSC unit for USG admissions?
A. The course tles and numbers listed in this document reect those currently used by the Georgia Department of Educa-
on (GADOE); however, the USG colleges and universies will connue to give consideraon to similar courses taken at pri-
vate schools or a public high schools located outside of the state. If GADOE disconnues a course that was approved to sas-
fy an RHSC unit, then the course is removed from this document and added to the USG Staying on Course Approved Course
Archive. Addional informaon, such as a course descripon, may be requested so that the college or university can deter-
mine if it is appropriate to count the course as an RHSC unit.
Q.8 I will graduate from a Georgia public high school but will have parcipated in the Georgia Alternave Assessment. Will I be
eligible for admission to a University System of Georgia college or university?
A. Students graduang from a Georgia Public High School having parcipated in the Georgia Alternave Assessment are not
eligible for regular freshman admission to a University System of Georgia college or university. Courses designed for students
in the Georgia Alternave Assessment (courses beginning with Access”) are not included in the USGs Required High School
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Q.9 Im a Georgia public high school student and have taken a course that is not listed on this document, does that mean it can-
not be counted as an RHSC unit?
A. The Georgia Department of Educaon (GADOE) and the USG work collaboravely to determine the Georgia high school
courses appropriate to sasfy the RHSC units. Faculty from the USG colleges and universies closely examine each new high
school course submied to the USG by GADOE to determine if it has the academic rigor needed to prepare students for col-
lege-level course work. Only those courses that have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate faculty commiee are
included on this document. Students should work closely with their high school counselor to ensure they take courses that
sasfy high school graduaon requirements and sasfy the RHSC.
Courses that have been reviewed but not approved, or are currently under review, appear on the USG RHSC Course Review
document. Approved courses that have not appeared on the GADOEs State-Funded List of K-8 Subjects and 9- 12 Courses in
the last ve years are moved to the Approved Course Archive and can sll be accepted if taken when approved. The State-
Funded List of K-8 Subjects and 9-12 Courses can be accessed from the GADOE website at www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-
Q.10 I have taken a course with a course number that appears on the Staying on Course document but my course has a dierent
course tle. For example, I took 23.061 - Pre-AP Ninth Grade English but 23.061 is called Ninth Grade Literature and Composi-
on on the Staying on Course document. Will my course count as an RHSC unit?
A. The Staying on Course document reects the course tles ulized by the Georgia Department of Educaon (GADOE) but
GADOE permits high schools to modify tles when a course meets their approved standards but is taught using dierent
strategies, resources, etc. As a result, courses with modied tles, such as those with a Pre-AP or honors designator, count as
RHSC units provided the course number appears on the Staying on Course document.
How do I know if a course completed through Dual Enrollment will count as an RHSC unit?
A. Typically, a college course completed through Dual Enrollment will result in credit for a GADOE course on a students high
school transcript. For example, CHEM 1151K (Survey of Chemistry I) taken through Dual Enrollment may result in Chemistry I
(40.051) credit. When this occurs, the course will count as an RHSC unit just as if the high school course were taken.
In some instances, a student may receive a Dual Enrollment course number (a course number that includes a leer to the
right of the decimal) on their transcript instead of a GADOE course. This occurs when the college course does not suciently
align with an exisng GADOE high school course. For example, a student taking BIOL 1331 (Insects and People) may receive
26.0A564 (Dual Enrollment Science USG (BIOL 1331 Insects and People)) on their transcript because BIOL 1331 does not su-
ciently alignment with an exisng GADOE course. Students may also receive a Dual Enrollment course number on their tran-
script when they already have credit for the aligned high school course. For example, a student with Chemistry I (40.051)
credit on their high school transcript may receive 40.0B444 (Dual Enrollment Science USG (CHEM 1151K Survey of Chemistry
I)) credit upon compleng CHEM 1151K through Dual Enrollment to avoid duplicate high school credit.
When a student takes a course through Dual Enrollment and receives a Dual Enrollment course number on their high school
transcript, a queson that may come up is will the course count as an RHSC unit?In this situaon, the course will count as
an RHSC unit as long as it is a college-level/degree-level course (not learning support, not diploma level, etc.) in the appropri-
ate subject area (a math course counts as a math RHSC unit, etc.) and it is clear that the high school is applying the course
towards the students high school graduaon requirements in that subject area. In some unusual situaons, it may not be
clear if it is appropriate for the course to count as an RHSC unit and the college or university may request some addional
details about the course to make that determinaon.
Q.1 Do postsecondary remedial/learning support or technical diploma-level courses (such as the TCSGs Fundamentals of English)
taken while in high school fulll an English unit of the USGs Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. A postsecondary English course completed through Dual Enrollment may sasfy an English unit of the USGs RHSC if the
course is college-level and degree-level. Remedial/learning support courses and technical diploma-level courses do not sas-
fy any unit of the USGs RHSC .
Q.2 I aend a Georgia public high school and would like to take either Literary Types/Composion or Contemporary Literature/
Composion. Do either of these courses count as an RHSC English unit?
A. Yes, both of these courses are approved RHSC English units. Students should be aware that the Georgia Department of
Educaon only allows Literary Types/Composion and Contemporary Literature/Composion to count as elecve ELA credit.
Students interested in taking either course should be sure they stay on track for meeng graduaon requirements.
Do high school ESOL courses (23.091, 23.092, 23.093, 23.094, 23.095, 23.096) sasfy any of the USGs RHSC English units?
A. The Georgia Department of Educaon (GADOE) and the USG work collaboravely to determine the Georgia high school
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courses appropriate to sasfy the RHSC units. For a course to be approved for inclusion on the Staying on Course document,
the GADOE must rst submit the course informaon, including the course standards, to the USG. This informaon is then
reviewed by the appropriate Board of Regents Academic Advisory Commiee and the courses approved by the commiee
are added to the document. Since the ESOL courses do not have established standards at this me, they have not been re-
viewed by the Board of Regents Academic Advisory Commiee for English and therefore have not been approved.
Q. 1
Which math classes should I take in high school?
A. Students should complete 4 units of math that include Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra, Geometry/Analyc Geometry, Alge-
bra II/Advanced Algebra and a fourth math unit listed as approved on page 2 of this document, or equivalent courses. The
USG provides a list of sample high school math sequences but students should be aware that not all sequences provide the
same level of preparaon for college. Students planning to apply to a college or university with selecve admissions (such as
the Georgia Instute of Technology or the University of Georgia), or planning to pursue a STEM major, are encouraged to
speak with their high school counselor and with the appropriate admissions oce to ensure an appropriate math course
sequence is taken.
Are there dierent mathemacs requirements for dierent college majors?
A. Yes, students who are planning to aend the Georgia Instute of Technology or to major in engineering are expected to
be prepared to start with Calculus as their rst college mathemacs course. Students planning to major in other STEM areas
should be prepared to start with Pre-Calculus. Students planning on majoring in business at some USG instuons should be
prepared to start in College Algebra. Students who do not achieve inial placement in the appropriate courses should check
with their college or universitys mathemacs department to see whether they can qualify for placement in the entry-level
mathemacs course appropriate for their intended major. Students who do not achieve the appropriate inial mathemacs
placement will have to take addional mathemacs courses, which will add to the number of semesters needed to earn a
degree. Read more about the USG mathemacs pathways and the entry-level courses appropriate to parcular majors.
Q.3 If I complete an accelerated mathemacs course (for example, Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analyc Geometry) and an on
-level mathemacs course (for example, Analyc Geometry) the following year, will both courses count towards sasfying the
University System of Georgias Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) in the area of mathemacs?
A. Yes, students who complete an accelerated mathemacs course one year, and an on-level mathemacs course the follow-
ing year, may remain on-track for compleng the USGs RHSC provided they complete four total units of mathemacs includ-
ing through Algebra II/Advanced Algebra (or an equivalent course or higher) and one addional unit from the approved list
provided on page 2 of this document. For example, a student compleng Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analyc Geome-
try, Analyc Geometry, Algebra II/Advanced Algebra and an addional math unit from the approved course list will have
completed the USGs Required High School Curriculum.
Q.4 If I complete Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra, Geometry/Analyc Geometry, and Pre-Calculus at my high school, and complete a
college-level math course through Dual Enrollment, will I have sased the USGs RHSC? If I complete Algebra I/Coordinate
Algebra, Algebra II/Advanced Algebra, and Pre-Calculus at my high school, and complete a college-level math course through
dual enrollment, will I have sased the USGs RHSC?
A. Yes, both of the above sequences sasfy the mathemacs requirement of the USGs RHSC.
Q.5 My private or out-of-state high school oers Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry as an opon to sasfy the 4th math unit re-
quired for high school graduaon. Does the USG allow this course to sasfy the 4th math unit for USG admissions?
A. Yes, while the Georgia Department of Educaon disconnued their Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry course in 2015,
this course connues to count as a 4th RHSC math unit for students aending a private or out-of-state high school.
Q.6 Do postsecondary remedial/learning support or technical diploma-level courses (such as the TCSGs Foundaons of Mathe-
macs course) taken while in high school fulll the 4th math unit of the USGs Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. The 4 math units of the USGs Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) must include a minimum of Algebra I/Coordinate
Algebra, Geometry/Analyc Geometry, Algebra II/Advanced Algebra, and a 4th unit of advanced math. The 4th math unit
must be a course from the approved course list that appears on page 2 of this document. A postsecondary math course com-
pleted through Dual Enrollment may sasfy the 4th math unit if the course is college-level and degree-level. Remedial/
learning support courses and technical diploma-level courses do not sasfy any unit of the USGs RHSC.
Q.7 If I took Algebra I in middle school and my high school includes the credit on my high school transcript, can that course count
as an RHSC mathemacs unit?
A. Yes, Algebra I taken in middle school may count as an RHSC math unit provided it is included on the high school transcript.
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Q. 1
How many science units should I complete?
A. Students must complete a total of four units of science, two of which should have a laboratory component. Students grad-
uang from a Georgia public high school should have at least one unit in biology, one unit of physical science or physics, one
unit of chemistry, earth systems, environmental science, or an advanced placement course, and a fourth science from the list
of approved science courses provided on page 3 of this document.
Q.2 My school or school system only oers physical science in the 8th grade, will I be considered decient if I dont take it in high
A. Students enrolled in Georgia private high schools and high schools in other states oen complete physical science while in
the eighth grade and then take three or more addional science units in high school. Consequently, students from private
high schools and public high schools in other states can count physical science courses taken in the eighth grade as one of
the 4 required science units. Georgia public high school students who take high school physical science while in middle
school can also count that course provided their high school includes the credit for that high school course on their high
school transcript.
If I graduate from a private high school or from an out-of-state public high school, am I required to complete 4 science units?
A. Yes, students graduang from a private high school or an out-of-state public high school are required to complete four
science units, including two courses with a laboratory component. At least one course should be from the life sciences and
one course should be from the physical sciences.
Q.4 My private or out-of-state high school oers several science course opons, each counng as a paral unit. Can courses
counng as a paral unit be used to sasfy the fourth science unit of the USGs Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. Yes, students may take a combinaon of science courses to sasfy the fourth science unit provided the total credit earned
equals a full unit.
Q.5 The science courses oered at my high school include life science and physical science content in each course. Can these
courses count towards the four required college preparatory science units?
A. Yes, provided the total content is equivalent to taking four units of science. The content must be the equivalent of two
units with a laboratory component and should include the equivalent of at least one unit from the life sciences and one unit
from the physical sciences.
Q.6 I aend a Georgia public high school so why does my science course not appear on the approved course list found in this doc-
ument? Does this mean it cannot be used to sasfy the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. This document only includes the courses approved by the appropriate USG faculty review commiee. The courses that
have been reviewed and not approved are provided on the USG RHSC Course Review document.
Q.7 If I take two approved computer science courses to sasfy the Foreign Language/American Sign Language/Computer Science
requirement, can I also use one of those computer science courses to sasfy the 4th science requirement?
A. No, an approved computer science course may only be used towards sasfying the science requirement or the Foreign
Language/American Sign Language/Computer Science requirement. One course may not be used to sasfy two RHSC re-
Q.8 If a dual enrollment course is aligned to a high school course that contains a leer in the course number (e.g. 26.0A904- Dual
Enrollment Science USG (BIOL 3310 Invertebrate Zoology)), will that course count as a 4th science unit for the USGs RHSC?
A. A dual enrollment course that is aligned to a high school course that contains a leer in the course number may count as a
4th science unit for the USGs RHSC provided the course number begins with 26 or 40 and the dual enrollment course is de-
gree level.
Q.9 If I have completed a high school science course such as Chemistry I (40.0451), will a college course such as Survey of Chemis-
try I (CHEM 1151K) completed through Dual Enrollment count as a 4th RHSC science unit?
A. Yes, the high school Chemistry I course and the college Survey of Chemistry I course will each count as an RHSC science
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Q. 1
Does European History sasfy the World Studies requirement?
A. No, the World Studies requirement can only be sased with a course that has a world focus. Courses that focus on a par-
cular area or region of the world do not sasfy the requirement. World History, World Geography, AP World History, and
AP Human Geography sasfy the world studies requirement.
Q.2 Do postsecondary technical diploma-level courses (such as the TCSGs Basic Psychology course) taken while in high school
fulll a social science unit of the USGs Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)?
A. A postsecondary social science course completed through Dual Enrollment may sasfy a social science unit of the USGs
RHSC if the course is college-level and degree-level. Remedial/learning support courses and technical diploma-level courses
do not sasfy any unit of the USGs RHSC.
Should I take a foreign language in high school?
A. While the Georgia Department of Educaon no longer requires students to complete two foreign language for high school
graduaon, the University System of Georgia requires the compleon of two units of the same foreign language, two units of
American Sign Language, or two units of approved Computer Science courses with a coding and/or programming focus.
If I have taken a unit of foreign language in middle school, can it count towards sasfying the USGs RHSC?
A. Yes, foreign language units taken in middle school may count towards sasfying the USGs RHSC. Students who have taken
foreign language in middle school should be sure to submit their transcript showing the credit earned.
Q.3 Which computer science courses can count towards sasfying the foreign language/American Sign Language/Computer Sci-
ence requirement?
A. Only those computer science courses with an emphasis on coding and programming may sasfy this area of the RHSC. The
list of approved courses is provided on page 2 of this document.
If I take one unit of a foreign language and one unit of computer science, will I have sased the requirement?
A. No, students must successfully complete two units of the same foreign language, or two units of American Sign Language,
or two approved computer science courses units.
Q.5 If I take two approved computer science courses to sasfy the Foreign Language/American Sign Language/Computer Science
requirement, can I also use one of those computer science courses to sasfy the 4th science requirement?
A. No, an approved computer science course may only be used towards the science requirement or the Foreign Language/
American Sign Language/Computer Science requirement.
If I take two units of a language for nave speakers, will those units sasfy the USGs RHSC foreign language requirement?
A. Yes, two units of a language (not English) for nave speakers may sasfy the USGs RHSC foreign language requirement
provided those two units are in the same language and have an emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and wring.
Q.7 Will a unit of a foreign language and a unit of the same language but for nave speakers sasfy the USGs foreign language
A. Yes, a unit of a language for nave speakers and a unit of the same language oered as a foreign language may sasfy the
USGs foreign language requirement. For example, a student compleng Spanish I (60.071) and Spanish for Nave Speakers
Level 2 (60.079) will have completed the USGs RHSC foreign language requirement.
Q.8 Does the RHSC foreign language requirement apply to applicants who were unable to complete the necessary high school
courses due to a documented disability?
A. Applicants with disabilies are expected to have completed the RHSC with the appropriate instruconal accommodaons.
No exempons or substuons are permied with the excepon of the foreign language requirement. Applicants who are
unable to complete the required foreign language courses due to a documented disability may peon for a substuon.
Addional informaon on peoning for a foreign language substuon can be found in Secon 3.3.3 of the Academic and
Student Aairs Handbook.
Q.9 If my high school grants me two units of the same foreign language through credit in lieu of enrollment, will those two units
sasfy the USGs RHSC foreign language requirement?
A. Yes, students with two units of the same foreign language earned through credit in lieu of enrollment have sased the
USGs RHSC foreign language requirement provided those credits appear on their high school transcript.