FALL 2020
The purpose of the Letter of Intent is to give you an opportunity to tell us about some of
your skills and experiences that are relevant to the Nursing program, and also, to share
you plans and goals for success. Please discuss all of the categories listed below in
your, 500 word, letter. Your letter will be evaluated on clarity, expression of ideas, as
well as sentence and paragraph structure.
Provide a general description of yourself including your home, school and work
Use two examples to describe two of your best personal qualities that will help
you become successful in nursing.
Describe how you plan to manage your school, work and family life while in the
Nursing program?
Provide an example of your role on a team and how it will help you in the Nursing
Describe a setback you have experienced, how you managed it and what you
learned about yourself.
Describe an activity that you have participated in and how it will help you in the
Nursing program.
Using the following scale: Excellent=3; Good=2; Poor=1; Inadequate=0
o Rate your comfort level in speaking and reading French
o Rate your comfort level with speaking and reading English