by Lynne Knobloch-Fedders, PhD
The Importance of
the Relationship
With the Therapist:
Research shows that the therapeutic
relationship is one of the strongest
predictors of successful treatment
Before beginning psychotherapy, most patients
wonder, “Will this counseling really help me with
my problems?” Research shows that many factors
affect whether treatment is successful, including
the severity of the problem(s) being treated, the
patient’s belief that the counseling will work and
the skill level of the therapist.
However, research over the past fty years has
demonstrated that one factor – more than any
other – is associated with successful treatment:
the quality of the relationship between the therapist
and the patient.
In 1913, Sigmund Freud hypothesized that the
relationship between the therapist and patient was
a key component of successful treatment. Since
that time, research has shown that the quality of
this relationship (the therapeutic alliance,” as it is
called) is the strongest predictor of whether or not
therapy is successful.
Strikingly, the quality of the therapeutic
relationship appears critical to treatment success
no matter what type of treatment is studied. Large
studies have been conducted of individual, couple
and family therapy, using a variety of assessment
methods to measure the quality of the relationship
(i.e. patient or therapist reports or observational
ratings). These studies, which used diverse
patient groups (children and adults, in-patients
and out-patients) treated for all types of problems
(i.e. depression, anxiety, drug abuse, work and
social problems), all show the importance of the
therapeutic relationship on treatment outcome.
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Clinical Science Insights
Knowledge Families Count On
Volume 1
A little over half of the beneficial effects of
therapy accounted for [in previous research] are
linked to the quality of the alliance,” according
to Dr. Adam Horvath, a professor at Simon Frasier
University and a leading expert in research on the
patient-therapist relationship.
Interestingly enough, patients and therapists
often (but not always) agree on the quality of their
relationship. However, it is the patients perception
of the quality of the relationship that is the strongest
predictor of treatment success. Patients’ ratings
of their relationship with the therapist, even very
early in the treatment – after the first session or
two – predict their improvement over the course
of treatment. However, patients who report poor
relationships with their therapists are more likely
to drop out of treatment early.
What exactly is a “good” therapeutic relationship?
Since the relationship between the therapist and
patient appears so crucial to treatment success,
experts have tried to define a “good relationship.”
One pioneering expert, Dr. Edward Bordin, defined
a good therapeutic relationship as consisting of
three essential qualities: an emotional bond of trust,
caring, and respect; agreement on the goals of
therapy; and collaboration on the workor tasks
of the treatment.
A shared sense of ownership for the treatment
also appears essential. Do the therapist and patient
trust that the other is working hard to contribute
to the treatment’s success? Do they collaborate
together on decisions that need to be made about
the way the treatment is being conducted and what
intervention strategies are used?
Every close relationship has problems, difficulties
or misunderstandings, and the relationship
between the therapist and patient is no exception.
However, the manner in which the therapist and
patient handle these difficulties together is another
crucial component of the success of the
Clinical Science Insights: Knowledge Families Count On v.1 The Importance of the Relationship With the Therapist
Qualities of a good therapeutic
- Mutual trust, respect, and caring
- General agreement on the goals
and tasks of the therapy
- Shared decision-making
- Mutual engagement in “the work”
of the treatment
- The ability to talk about the
“here-and-now” aspects of
the relationship with each other
- The freedom to share any
negative emotional responses
with each other
- The ability to correct any
problems or difficulties that
may arise in the relationship
T H E F a m i l y I N S T I T U T E AT N O R T H W E S T E R N U N I V E R S I T Y
relationship. When difficulties arise, can the
therapist and patient share any negative feelings,
hurt or anger that may have resulted? And, can
they work together to resolve any problems that
may occur in their work together?
The importance of an expanded conceptualization
of the “therapeutic relationship”
Historically, study of the therapeutic relationship
has focused solely on the patient’s relationship
with the therapist. However, research conducted
at The Family Institute at Northwestern University
by myself and Dr. William Pinsof demonstrates
the importance of expanding this definition to
include the influence of significant other people
in the patients life. For example, in individual
therapy, support of the treatment by the patients
significant others (family members, spouse,
close friends) was associated with successful
outcome. In couple therapy, the extent to which
the couple agreed with each other on treatment
tasks, goals and bonds predicted whether therapy
would be successful.
What do therapists do to establish a good
therapeutic relationship?
Research shows that the ability to form good
relationships with patients is not simply a
function of therapist training or experience level.
Many beginning therapists are as skilled as their
more experienced counterparts at forming good
therapeutic relationships. However, studies
show that experienced therapists are better at
forming relationships with those patients who
have struggled in past relationships. In addition,
experienced therapists are better than novices
at identifying and resolving problems in the
therapeutic relationship.
Therapists make important contributions to the
establishment of a good therapeutic relationship.
The therapist’s ability to communicate empathy
and understanding to the patient is very important.
Another essential component is the therapist’s
openness, flexibility and willingness to adapt the
treatment to the patients needs. Skilled therapists
actively solicit patients’ input about the goals
and methods of treatment, in order to facilitate
What helps patients establish a good therapeutic
Research shows that patients are more likely to
establish a good therapeutic relationship when they
have good interpersonal and communication skills.
For example, patients are more likely to form good
relationships with their therapists when they are
open and honest about their needs.
What should I do to try to improve my relationship
with my therapist?
If you are having difficulties with your therapist,
it is important to talk about that directly with
your therapist. If you have questions or concerns
about any part of the treatment, do not hesitate
to discuss them with your therapist. Open, honest
communication is a very healthy strategy for
resolving difficulties. In fact, studies show that
engaging in this kind of “talking about the
relationship is a very effective therapy strategy for
improving the relationship, thus improving your
chances of treatment success.
Hatcher, R.L. (1999). Therapists’ view of treatment alliance and collaboration
in therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 9, 405-423.
Horvath, A.O. (2001). The alliance. Psychotherapy, 38(4), 365-372.
Martin, D.J., Garske, J.P., & Davis, K.M. (2000). Relation of the therapeutic
alliance with outcome and other variables: A meta-analytic review. Journal of
Clinical and Consulting Psychology, 68, 438-450.
Author Biography
Lynne Knobloch-Fedders,
PhD, is a licensed clinical
psychologist and Assistant
Director of Research
at The Family Institute at
Northwestern University.
She has conducted several research studies on the
effect of the therapeutic relationship in individual,
couple and family therapy.
Clinical Science Insights: Knowledge Families Count On v.1 The Importance of the Relationship With the Therapist
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T H E F a m i l y I N S T I T U T E
The Family Institute at Northwestern University is the
Midwests largest center for marital and family therapy,
education, research and community outreach. The Institute
provides counseling and psychotherapy throughout the
Chicago metropolitan area, including community-based
mental health services for low-income, at-risk families.
It also conducts important research projects that lead to
a better understanding and treatment of mental health
issues and operates nationally-renowned graduate programs
in marital and family therapy and counseling psychology
in affiliation with Northwestern University.
For more information on The Family Institute, visit or call 847-733-4300.
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