This tool is intended to build bridges of insight
and understanding, not as a weapon to judge
or hurt yourself or someone else.
To learn more about the real
value in your lives, read
Ken’s chapter on “real value
has no dollar signs” in the
Real Rules of Life.
All Rights Reserved © 2012
The Couples Report Card
In Dr. Ken Druck’s book, The Real Rules of Life, Ken
talks about self-worth and the currency of love. Real
value comes from the people in your life. The way you
cash in on that value is by cultivating your heart and
your relationships.
The purpose of this report card is
to learn more about how your
primary relationship (current or
future) can improve. The results
depend on your willingness to be
completely open and honest.
G r a d e Y o u r R e l a t i o n s h i p
Ability to be direct with each other
Closeness and affection
Creative problem solving
Spontaneity, playfulness & fun
Enthusiasm & Energy
Sexual Satisfaction
Shared Values
R a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g
I don’t feel as much a part of
his/her life as I’d like to
I have to be careful about what I
He/she holds back with me
I have a problem he/she couldn’t
Our relationship could be more
challenging and meaningful if
he/she knew more about how I
As parents we are a good team
We handle conflict and
disagreements well
C h e c k t h e I t e m s Y o u A g r e e W i t h
My relationship would be more interesting and satisfying if…
We spent more time together
We spent more intimate, uninterrupted time together
We learned how to be more understanding of each
We had more fun together
We expanded our interests and activities
I n Y o u r W o r d s
My relationship would be better and more effective if I
My goals for in being in relationship would be better served if my