We build strength, stability and self-reliance.
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario | 2-40 Pacific Court, London, ON, Canada N5V 3K4. Tel. (519) 455-6623 | fax (519) 455-8479.
Thank you for supporting Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario. With your help, Habitat
Homeowners are able to overcome the barriers that often exist between their families and
have healthier and more financially stable lives. Each Habitat home will be built to exceed
National Building Code standards for energy efficiency, ensuring that future generations will
have not only a safe and decent home to live in, but also an energy efficient environment in
which to live.
Volunteers on the construction site are organized into small groups, led by our Site
Supervisor and Crew Leaders with construction knowledge and experience. Whatever the
activity may be, it is essential to the success of the build. Each piece fits together to ensure
the final outcome is an amazing one.
In terms of your first shift, please see details below.
Your Arrival
Please arrive to the site for 8:30am. Parking is available on the street. Please meet at the
marked registration trailer to gear up for the day. Please be punctual as each day begins
with a mandatory health and safety talk, as well as additional screening for COVID-19.
Afterwards, you will be given a specific work assignment. During the day, if at any time you
do not feel comfortable with a particular assignment, speak to one of the Crew Leaders or
the Site Supervisor.
Sign in on the tablet, using your username and password to your Habitat Profile. You’ll
need to remember your Habitat Profile username to sign in for your shift. Our Site
Supervisor will direct you on how to do this. If you do not remember your user name or
password, please contact the Volunteer Manager prior to your shift. *Don’t forget to sign out
when you leave the Site.
Apparel and Safety Equipment
You and everyone else on the Habitat job site MUST wear:
CSA approved footwear
Safety glasses
Hard hat
We build strength, stability and self-reliance.
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario | 2-40 Pacific Court, London, ON, Canada N5V 3K4. Tel. (519) 455-6623 | fax (519) 455-8479.
Having your own is an advantage, especially if you are volunteering regularly. However, it is
not a necessity. Our sites have a good supply of personal protective equipment on hand to
Dress for the weather and wear layers that you can add or remove. Everyone on site must
wear long pants, and shirts with sleeves (either short or long). Wear clothing that you don’t
mind getting dirty. Long hair must be tied up and away from your face.
The following additional personal protective equipment must be worn for specific job
assignments as directed:
Safety Goggles (different than safety glasses): Are mandatory when cutting or
sanding wood, trim, or drywall. This is to prevent fine airborne particles getting into
your eyes.
Ear Plugs: We wear these for loud noises such as saws, vacuums, and anything
that you think is loud. For excessive noise, ear muffs are available.
Please check with the Site Supervisor for other specific personal protection equipment that
would be needed. Habitat will supply all the tools and additional safety equipment/ personal
protective equipment you’ll need.
Shift Cancelation
On occasion we have had to cancel work because of inclement weather. If this happens,
you will be notified before 8:00am the day of the build. Please be sure to check your email
prior to coming on site. If no email has been sent, the build will resume that day.
We ask that you come to the site with an open mind and willing attitude. You will be working
with other volunteers with varying skill levels. Please be patient. There are many jobs to be
completed and every job is important. Your full cooperation and enthusiasm will ensure that
everyone has a good day.
Lunch is not provided. We can’t guarantee a refrigerator will be available on site, so please
bring a cooler, or insulated lunchbox to store your lunch. If you prefer to go out for lunch,
here is a list of available take out locations. Filtered water will be available throughout the
Smoking & Vaping
Our locations are smoke free and prohibited within the confines of the site. If you want to go
for a smoke break, the Site Supervisor will direct you to where it is safe to do so.
We build strength, stability and self-reliance.
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario | 2-40 Pacific Court, London, ON, Canada N5V 3K4. Tel. (519) 455-6623 | fax (519) 455-8479.
After your first day on site, we will contact you for a quick survey regarding your experience
with us. This is not mandatory, but we would appreciate any feedback in order to help us
End of Shift
At the end of the day, you will be tired, but please remember to return borrowed equipment
to the registration trailer as follows:
Hard Hat: Take OUTSIDE in order to spray the interior of the hat with disinfectant
spray, and return hard hats to the labelled bin.
CSA Footwear: Tie together, and take OUTSIDE in order to spray the interiors of
the boots with disinfectant spray. Return clean boots to appropriate shelf. Note: If
they are muddy, leave them outside so they can dry.
Tool Belts: Empty pocket contents into appropriate containers, placing dirty aprons
in laundry hamper and clean ones back on the appropriate shelf
Gloves: Place in laundry bin. We wash these after each use
Safety Glasses: please wipe clean or wash if necessary and return to appropriate
Ear plug and Safety Masks: Please discard
Please notify the Site Supervisor that you’re leaving and sign out at the end of your shift.
Safety Guidelines
Your safety comes first. Safety guidelines have been put in place to protect you and avoid
any injuries while working on site. At the beginning of your day, the Site Supervisor will
review safety on the site. It is important that you are present for this information. If at any
time you do not feel safe while volunteering for Habitat, please see the Site Supervisor for
modifications or alternate tasks.
Safety Video
Safety is everybody’s responsibility and is important on any construction site. All volunteers
are required to complete the mandatory online safety video before arriving on site.
Clean Work Site
A clean work site is a safe work site. Work spaces, grounds and hospitality areas must
be kept clean, and free of debris at all times. We take great pride in keeping the site
clean and safe for everyone. Maintaining good housekeeping is important in preventing
We build strength, stability and self-reliance.
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario | 2-40 Pacific Court, London, ON, Canada N5V 3K4. Tel. (519) 455-6623 | fax (519) 455-8479.
When on site make sure to:
Position building materials and supplies in carefully laid out piles to allow adequate
aisles and walkways.
Do not permit blocks of wood, nails, bolts, empty cans, pipe, wire, or other materials
to accumulate on the work site, they interfere with work, and constitute an
unnecessary hazard.
When working with boards with nails in them, remove all nails before discarding on
the ground. Useable nails can be kept for future use and place back in the correct
area for future use.
Keep tools and equipment which are not being used in their designated storage
Properly store and secure all tools and materials.
First Aid
First aid supplies are available on site. All injuries must be reported to your supervisor and
recorded in an incident report. The First Aid representative’s information will be posted on
the health and safety board located in the registration area.
Key Notes
Wear a Hard Hat at ALL TIMES while on the build site
Wear CSA green Triangle Footwear at ALL TIMES while on the build site
Practice good housekeeping at all times. Keep work areas clean & clear
Work at a safe speed, do not rush
Report all accidents/incidents to the Site Supervisor.
Report unsafe conditions to the Site Supervisor. We do not want you doing anything
you are uncomfortable with. If you are not sure of the right way to do something, ask
your supervisor.
* Final note, as we have limited shifts available, and rely on volunteers to move the project
forward. We ask that you give us ample time if you need to cancel for any reason. You can
do this up to 12 hours before your shift through your Habitat Profile here, or by contacting
the Volunteer Manager.
Should you have any further questions regarding your volunteer time on the build site,
please contact the Volunteer Manager at 519-455-6623 Ext 207, or email:
Thank you for volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario.