Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta
Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland
Rules and Regulations
Day of the Event
Before you Arrive
What to Wear:
1. Footwear: closed toed secure and safe footwear. For most participants this means an old
pair of sneakers. Do not wear Rubber rain boots, Crocs, or flip flops.
2. Clothing: Form-fitting, lightweight, breathable clothing that you do not mind getting
3. Accessories: please limit the number of accessories you wear. Consider tying hats,
sunglasses, and other accessories to your clothing so they do not sink in our pond.
4. Hair: Securely tie back your long hair.
What to Leave at Home:
Electronic devices
Valuable, non-replaceable items (jewelry, etc.)
Banned items including weapons, drugs, and alcohol
Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland is not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
For all registered teams, bring whatever materials you will need to finish and assemble your
boat on property. GSOH will not provide additional duct tape, cutting tools, or cardboard. Keep
this in mind in case you need to make repairs after transport- it is a good idea to bring a few
extra pieces of cardboard or a roll of duct tape!
Each team has one parking spot near the pond. This is for transporting your boat. Everyone else
parks in the Wawinges lot and walks down. Handicap parking is available by the pond.
Check In
Check in your team to receive your boat zone location and heat information. Do not bring your
boat with you to check in.
Unload your boat to your boat zone location and wait for a volunteer to inspect your boat.
Inspection checks for the following:
Size of Boat
Boat materials
Boat safety including a demonstration of your exit plan
you Arrive
Park Check In Inspection On Deck Race
Each team can try to fix their boat if it fails any part of inspection.
You cannot change your boat after passing inspection. A GSOH staff member or volunteer
watches the boat zone during the event.
Leave your boat in the boat zone and enjoy watching the other races until it is your turn to race.
On Deck
During check in you will receive an on-deck time and heat time. Keep this information
with you so that you know when to get ready for your race.
An announcer updates the crowd on which teams are racing and which teams are on
When you are on deck do the following
o Grab your boat.
o Head over to the on-deck area marked on the map.
o Put on Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs).
o Listen to the volunteer’s reminder of the race rules (See race rules below).
When it is your heat do the following
o Move your boat up into position and wait for the instruction of the volunteers.
o Teams will get one whistle to start getting in their boat and another whistle, 30
seconds later to begin paddling.
Race Rules
Teammates that are not in the boat must remain on the shore during the race.
Wear PFDs while in the water.
You must listen to the direction of Lifeguards and volunteers during the race.
You must be visible IN the boat. Not towing it, holding it between your legs, swimming
with it or allowing the life jacket to supply the flotation of the vessel.
Teams must go out to a buoy and then turn around and return to shore.
Teams may not interfere with another team. This includes hitting another boat, blocking
a path, or shouting insults at another team.
Judges evaluate teams on the following categories
Distance traveled (if you sink)
Time (if you make it all the way back to shore)
Theme (including costuming and boat decoration)
*All boats must follow the rules above to participate in any part of the Regatta.
*Rules are subject to change.
*Judge decisions are final.