Effective:June 20, 2024
This Allstate Online Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”) describes the privacy
practices of Allstate Insurance Company and the Allstate affiliated companies whose
websites and mobile apps link to this Privacy Statement (“Allstate,” “we “our” or “us”).
This Privacy Statement explains the information we collect, why we collect it, how we
use and share it, and the choices you can make regarding your information. More
information about Allstate affiliates is in the Allstate Affiliates section at the end of this
Privacy Statement.
Customers of Allstate’s insurance, investment and other financial products may also
receive a privacy statement for those products in the initial policy package and annual
policy documents. Those consumer privacy statements may contain additional
information and rights relating to your customer relationship with us. Those privacy
statements and this Allstate Online Privacy Statement explain our privacy practices and
should be read together.
Allstate collects personal and other information about you. Personal information is
information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being
associated with, or could reasonably be linked (directly or indirectly) with you. Other,
non-personal information does not and cannot reveal an individual’s identity such as
information that has been de-identified or aggregated. The information we collect
varies based on what products and services you have with us.
We collect personal information about you in several ways from several sources. We
collect personal information directly from you including when you sign up for services,
buy a product, subscribe to a membership or mailing list, set up an account with us,
enroll in a mobile app feature such as Allstate Digital Footprint
or Drivewise® or
during the quoting, registering, application, claims handling or roadside assistance
processes. We and service providers working on our behalf collect personal
information from you such as IP address, browsing history and other internet activity
information when you use one of our websites, mobile apps, view our emails or
otherwise engage with us through a computer or mobile device (“Sites”). We also
collect personal information about you from third parties such as consumer reporting
agencies, state agencies, such as departments of motor vehicles, service providers,
marketing companies and data providers as well as individuals such as your spouse or
your parent.
We collect the following categories of personal information:
Name, alias, signature, postal address, phone number,
date of birth, unique personal identifier, online
identifier, email address, internet protocol (IP) address,
state identification card number, account name, Social
Security number, driver's license number, passport
number, or other similar identifiers.
Age, race, ancestry, national origin, citizenship,
religion, marital status, medical condition, physical or
mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity,
gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related
medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or
military status, genetic information (including familial
genetic information) and other descriptions of your
physical characteristics (e.g., height).
Service or product related information including policy
coverage information, premiums, account name, policy
number, payment history, claims history, records of
personal property, products or services purchased,
obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or
consuming histories or tendencies, account log-in,
bank account number, credit or debit card number,
other payment or financial information, health
insurance information, driving record, credit
information, medical history, or family member
information. If you use the Allstate Digital Footprint
feature, we will also access emails in your inbox.
Fingerprint, voice print, retinal print, scan of hand or
facial geometry, audio, electronic, visual or similar
Browsing history, search history, information regarding
your interaction with our website, application or
advertisement, links you use or web pages you visit
while visiting our site or applications, browser type,
internet service provider (ISP), cookies, and mobile
device information including device identifier or other
Physical location, movements, or trip tracking
Employment history, union membership, some contents
of mail, e-mail and text messages on company devices,
applications or communication platforms.
Education records, grades or transcripts.
Inferences drawn from any personal information
collected to create a profile reflecting preferences,
characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions,
behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities and aptitudes.
Sensitive Personal Information: Some personal information we collect is defined
under the law as sensitive personal information. Sensitive personal information we
collect includes Social Security number, driver’s license number, state identification
card number, passport number, customer account log-in, financial account number,
debit card number, credit card number in combination with any required security or
access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account, precise
geolocation information, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, union membership,
genetic data, biometric information used for identification, personal health information,
status as a victim of a crime and sexual orientation.
We use your personal and other information for business purposes including to:
Provide and maintain your services and products: We may use your
personal information to provide or maintain your service, products, or
membership including to set up a product or service or provide a product or
service, maintain your account, service your policy, change your policy, handle
a claim, complete a transaction, repair a product or respond to customer
service requests or other inquiries. We may also collect information about other
parties from you to carry out necessary services and/or requests, including
adding another driver to your existing policy. If you provide us personal
information about others, or if others give us your personal information, we will
only use the information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.
If you use the Allstate Digital Footprint
feature, we will access the emails in
your inbox to identify companies in your Digital Footprint. Additional information
about uses and restrictions is in the Allstate Digital Footprint
section below.
Improve, develop and analyze our Sites, services and products: We use
your personal information and other information to:
o analyze, improve, develop or deliver our Sites, products and services and
develop new services, products or features using algorithms, analytics
software and other similar methods,
o conduct actuarial or research studies to maintain, protect and develop our
networks, services, and products and protect our customers, and
o analyze how visitors use our Sites to improve the Sites and enhance and
personalize your experience.
We collect some information used for these purposes using analytics software,
cookies and other tracking technologies. For more information about the
collection and use of this information, see Online Tracking Technologies and
Advertising below.
Communicate with you about your service or product: We may
communicate with you about your product, service, account, policy or
membership, provide you transaction confirmations, payment alerts or other
service or product related messages via mail, email or other available methods
such as push notifications.
Provide marketing communications: We may use your personal information
to send you promotional communications about products, services, features,
and options we believe may interest you. We may send communications via e-
mail, regular mail or may send push notifications via a mobile device. We may
also use your information to serve you ads or customized content online.
Comply with legal requirements and protect the safety and security of our
business, services, and Sites: We may use your personal information to
comply with laws, regulations or other legal obligations, to assist in an
investigation, to protect and defend our rights and property or the rights of third
parties or enforce terms and conditions. We may also use your personal
information to prevent suspected fraud, threats to our network or other illegal
activities, prevent misuse or for any other reason permitted by law.
Update or correct our records: We may receive personal information about
you from other sources, including publicly available databases or third parties
from whom we have purchased data, and combine that personal information
with other personal information we have about you to update our records. For
example, we may obtain change of address information from public sources
and use that personal information to update or correct your address.
Find locations on request: Your location may be obtained from the mobile
device or the network using your device's Global Positioning System (GPS)
functionality or directly from you. We may use your location information to
search for information including searching for an agent, searching for a service
provider, identifying the location of an accident or identifying the location of a
roadside event you are reporting. If you do not want location information used,
you can disable the GPS functionality on your mobile device.
We use sensitive personal information only as reasonably necessary to perform or
maintain the services or provide goods you requested, to perform services on behalf of
the business such as maintaining or servicing accounts, processing payments, to
provide analytics services or similar services, to detect security incidents, resist
malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions and to prosecute those responsible
for those actions, to ensure customers and other peoples’ physical safety, for short-term
use such as non-personalized advertising as part of our current interactions, to verify or
maintain the quality or safety of service, improve, upgrade or enhance service, or other
reasons that do not require an opt-out of this use.
We do not market any products or services to children under the age of thirteen or
knowingly collect any information from children under the age of thirteen. We do not
knowingly sell or share for cross-context behavioral advertising the personal
information of consumers under the age of sixteen. Our website is not intended for
We share personal information with other companies for various business purposes
and strive to work with companies that share our commitment to privacy. We may
share your personal information with our affiliates for business purposes consistent
with the uses described in this Privacy Statement and we may also share personal
information about you with third parties whenever you consent to or direct such
sharing. We may share information with others in an aggregated or de-identified form
that does not reasonably identify you. We do not sell your personal information except
for the sharing of personal information for cross-context behavioral advertising as
defined under California law as explained below.
We may also share any of the categories of personal information described above with
service providers and other third parties for business purposes or as required or
permitted by law including with:
Companies involved in insurance and other business transactions: We
share your personal information with other companies that play a role in an
insurance transaction with you such as independent claims adjusters, repair
shops, and other claims related companies. We may also share your personal
information to participate in insurance support organizations.
Authorized agents or brokers: Allstate operates through agents and brokers
who sell our services and products on our behalf. We may share your personal
information with those agents or brokers to provide you with the services you’ve
requested. They may use your personal information in the manner described in
this Privacy Statement.
Service providers: Personal information may be shared with service providers
who perform services on our behalf for a business purpose including service
providers that:
o help complete transactions, handle a claim, service your policy or service
your membership,
o engage in credit reporting or payment processing,
o provide marketing and advertising, email or other communication
o provide services that support our online activities including providing
tracking technologies, web hosting and analytics,
o provide tax and accounting, legal services, delivery, and data
enhancement services,
o provide technology services and enhance security, privacy and fraud
o provide data analytics services or conduct research or actuarial studies,
o provide support to our operations.
Marketing and advertising partners: We may share personal and other
information with third party online and other marketing and advertising partners
or permit these partners to collect personal information from you directly on our
Sites to personalize online advertising. We may share personal information with
other financial institutions or other companies with whom we have a joint
marketing agreement. The Online Tracking Technologies and Advertising
section below has more details about these activities.
Third parties in connection with a business transaction: Personal
information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a corporate
transaction, such as a merger, sale of any or all of our company assets or
shares, reorganization, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a
portion of our business by an affiliate or third party, or in the event of a
bankruptcy or similar proceedings.
Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons: Personal
information may be disclosed to third parties, as required by law or subpoena,
or if we reasonably believe such action is necessary to:
o comply with the law and the reasonable requests of regulators, law
enforcement or other public authorities,
o protect our or others safety, rights or property, and
o investigate fraud or to protect the security or integrity of our Sites or any
product or services.
Our service providers and third-party marketing and advertising partners include Adobe,
Google and Microsoft. To learn about Adobe Analytics privacy practices or to opt-out of
Adobe cookies, visit Adobe Privacy Center. To learn more about Google’s privacy
practices and to manage privacy controls, visit Google Privacy Center. To access and
use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, visit Google Opt-out. To read more
about Microsoft’s privacy practices, visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
We retain personal information in accordance with applicable laws or regulatory
requirements and also for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was
collected and to fulfill the business or commercial purposes that are explained in this
Privacy Statement.
Technologies and Information Collected: We, our service providers operating on
our behalf and third parties, may collect information about your activity on, use of and
access to our Sites using a variety of tracking technologies, including cookies, Flash
objects, web beacons (also called pixel tags), embedded scripts, location-identifying
technologies, and similar technology (collectively, “tracking technologies”). Information
we may collect this way may be combined with other personal information we collect
directly from you. The information collected in this manner includes:
The website from where you accessed our Sites, where you went to when you
left our Sites, how frequently you visit our Sites, your location when you access
our Sites, when and whether you open emails or click the links contained in
emails, pages you visit and ads you view on our Sites, recordings of mouse
clicks, mouse movements, keystrokes, and other communications you make on
our Sites,
Information about the computer, tablet, smartphone or other device you use,
such as your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, platform type,
device type/model/manufacturer, operating system, date and time stamp, a
unique ID that allows us to uniquely identify your browser, mobile device or your
account (including, e.g., a persistent device identifier or an Ad ID), and other
similar information,
Analytics information collected by us or via third party analytics tools, to help us
measure traffic and usage trends for the Sites and to understand more about
the demographics and behaviors of our users, and
How often you use a mobile app, where the app was downloaded, events that
occur within the app, aggregated usage, and performance data.
Use of the information: The information collected through tracking technologies
allows us to provide you with an improved, enhanced and personalized customer
experience, to monitor and improve our Sites and for other internal purposes such as:
Remembering information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your
visit or the next time you visit our Sites,
Provide custom, personalized content and information, including targeted
content, communications and advertising,
Identify and contact you across multiple devices,
Provide and monitor the effectiveness of our Sites,
Perform analytics and detect usage patterns on our Sites,
Diagnose or fix technology problems, and
Detect or prevent fraud or other harmful activities.
General choices regarding cookies: If you prefer not to accept cookies, most
browsers will allow you to manage cookies in your browser settings to disable or block
cookies, remove existing cookies, automatically accept cookies or to notify you when
you receive a cookie. These settings are browser or device specific. Options available
may vary by browser. If you disable, modify, or reject cookies, some parts or
functionalities of our Site may be inaccessible or not function properly. For example,
disabling cookies may require you to repeatedly enter information to take advantage of
services or promotions. Also, if you clear your cookies on your browser or make
selections using a different device or browser, you may need to redo your cookie
Targeted Online Advertising and Opt-outs: We or our online marketing and
advertising providers may use information about your activities on our Sites or other
websites to help tailor our advertisements or offers to your interests. On some of our
websites, we allow third-party advertising companies to collect information about your
activity on our Sites through cookies or other tracking technologies and combine that
information with information they collect on other unrelated sites, which the advertising
companies may use to provide you with relevant, targeted advertising. This sort of
online advertising is called cross-context behavioral advertising under the California
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We do not knowingly share personal information for
cross-context behavioral advertising of users under the age of sixteen.
CCPA provides California residents the right to opt-out of the “sharing” of your
information for cross-context behavioral advertising. You can opt-out of this sharing via
the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link in the footer of our website or by
visiting our preference center and selecting “Opt out of targeted online advertising.” You
may also opt-out by enabling a universal tool that automatically communicates your opt-
out preferences through browser settings such as the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”).
All website visitors, regardless of residency, can opt-out of this sharing.
Some browsers offer a setting called “Do Not Track.” Although we do our best to honor
the privacy preferences of our visitors, we may not be able to respond to all “Do Not
Track” signals from your browser.
You can also limit receiving certain targeted online advertising referred to as Interest-
Based Advertising by visiting NAI Consumer Opt Out (networkadvertising.org).
Opt-out choices apply only to the specific browser from which you opted out. Also,
clearing cookies or browsing history will erase your opt-out selection. You may
continue to see generic or non-targeted ads about our products and services if you
opt-out of sharing for cross-context behavioral advertising or interest-based
Various federal and state laws provide privacy rights to consumers including the right to
know, access, delete, or correct personal information, the right to opt-out of sharing of
personal information with affiliates for marketing or the right to opt-out of receiving email
marketing. These rights differ by state and also by the type of products and services you
have with Allstate. For example, the rights to know, access, delete or correct under the
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) do not apply to personal information that is
subject to certain federal and state laws governing insurance or health information.
Email Marketing Choices and Other Notifications: We may send you email
marketing communications about products, features and services that may be of
interest to you. To opt out from receiving marketing and promotional emails from us,
please send us a request by email at [email protected] or click the
unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication. If you opt out from
receiving marketing emails, we may still send you non-marketing emails such as emails
about your products or services, responses to your requests and inquiries, or notices of
updates to terms and conditions or our privacy practices.
If you use My Account you can also manage email and other notifications and marketing
preferences via the Notifications in the Settings menu. In the Mobile App, you can also
manage email, text and push notification preferences, and marketing preferences via
the Notifications screen in the Profile & Settings section.
Insurance Customers’ Rights and Choices
Insurance customer’s right to access, review and correct personal
information: Allstate insurance product customers can request to see or access
their recorded personal information at any time. To do this, please email us at
customerpriv[email protected] or send a letter to Allstate Insurance Company,
Customer Privacy Inquiries, P.O. Box 660598, Dallas, TX 75266-0598 with your
request. When sending your initial email or letter, include only your name, state
of residence, and the nature of your request; do not send any additional personal
information. Proper identification may be required to fulfill the request. If you
believe our information is incomplete or inaccurate, you can request that we
correct it and we will make corrections if possible. Please note we may not be
able to provide information relating to investigations, claims, litigation, and other
matters. We will respond to all such requests within a reasonable time. We can’t
change information provided to us by other companies like consumer reporting
agencies. You will have to contact them directly.
You may also update, delete or modify your account profile information at any
time by logging into your online account and making updates, or you may call us
or contact your agent to correct the information.
Personal Information Sharing Preferences: We would like to share your
personal information with one or more Allstate affiliates in order to make you
aware of different products, services and offers they can provide. However, you
can request that Allstate not share your personal information with our affiliates for
marketing products and services. For information about Allstate’s affiliates, see
the Affiliates section at the end of this Privacy Statement.
To request that we not allow other Allstate affiliates use your personal
information to market their products and services, please call us at 1-800-856-
2518 twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Please keep in mind that it
may take up to four weeks to process your request. If you previously contacted
us and asked us not to allow other Allstate affiliates to use your personal
information, your previous choice still applies, and you do not need to contact us
again. If you would like to change your previous choice, please call the number
above at any time.
California, Virginia, Texas, Oregon, New Hampshire and Connecticut Residents:
California law provides residents with rights to know, access, correct and delete
certain personal information, and the right to opt out of cross-context behavioral
advertising described above. Similar rights exist for Virginia, Texas, Oregon, New
Hampshire and Connecticut residents for some of the personal information we collect.
While these rights apply only to some of the personal information we collect, and
rights may differ based on the products and services you have with us, for
transparency and for your convenience, you can submit a request no matter where
you live.
Right to Know and Access Your Personal Information: You may request the
specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you and to know:
the categories of personal information we’ve collected,
the categories of sources from which personal information was collected,
the business or commercial purpose for collecting the personal information, and
the categories of third parties with whom we disclose or share personal
Right to Deletion of Personal Information: You may request deletion of personal
information collected from you, subject to certain exceptions including that we need
the personal information to:
Complete a transaction or provide a good or service you requested, service
your account, or take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our
ongoing business relationship,
Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or
illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities,
Comply with a legal obligation, or
Otherwise use your personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is
compatible with the context in which you provided the information.
Right to Correct Personal Information: You may request we correct any
inaccurate information we have about you. We may request that you provide
documentation to support your request and we will correct your information unless
we determine that the personal information is more than likely accurate.
Non-Discrimination Rights: We don’t discriminate against you if you exercise any
of the privacy rights described in this privacy statement.
Verified Requests: To protect you and your personal information, we will only
respond to access or deletion requests that we have been able to properly verify
through our authentication processes. To verify your identity, you will be asked to
provide several pieces of personal information, such as name and demographic
information, which we only use to verify your identity or authority to make the
Submitting a Request: To submit an access or deletion request, please visit
Access/Delete webpage to submit an online request or call us at 1-800-624-4419.
To submit a correction request, please visit Correction webpage to submit an
online request or call us at 1-800-624-4419. Responses to a verified request may
take up to 45 calendar days, or longer depending on the nature of the request. If
additional time is needed, we will notify you of the additional time. We may only
respond to two access requests within a 12-month period. Requests from
authorized agents must be submitted via the same online portal or toll-free number
but to protect your privacy, consumers will be required to verify their identity
directly with us via our online portal or toll-free number.
Consumer Request Metrics:
View California Consumer Request Metrics.
Virginia, Texas, Oregon, New Hampshire and Connecticut residents right to
If we are unable to fulfill your request to access, review, delete or correct your
personal information, we will respond to you explaining why. If you would like to
appeal our response to your request, please visit Appeals webpage.
Montana Residents:
Pursuant to Montana law, you may request a record of any disclosure of your medical
information during the preceding three years. Please send requests to Allstate
Insurance Company, Customer Privacy Inquiries, P.O. Box 660598, Dallas, TX 75266-
Nevada Residents:
Pursuant to Nevada law, if you do not want to receive sales calls from Allstate you may
request to be placed on our internal “do not call” list. To make this request, call 1-800-
255-7828 or email us by going to Allstate.com and clicking on Explore Allstate > Contact
Us. Please make sure to provide us with your name, address and all telephone
numbers you wish to include on our list. For further information, you may also contact
the Office of the Nevada Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Protection at:
555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3900
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: (702) 486-3132
Allstate’s “do not call” list is limited only to telephone solicitation calls. We may still
contact you about your Allstate policy, billing issues, claims and other service matters.
Vermont residents:
We won't share your personal information with Allstate companies for marketing
purposes except as allowed by Vermont law.
Links to other company’s websites may be provided on the Allstate Sites as a
convenience to you. If you choose to go to these external websites, you will be subject
to the privacy practices of those external websites; Allstate is not responsible for the
privacy practices of those websites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave
our Site to read the privacy policies or statements of every website you visit, as those
privacy policies or statements may differ from ours. Our Privacy Statement applies
solely to the Sites where this Privacy Statement appears.
Our website includes Social Media features, such as the Facebook Like button and
widgets, such as the Share This button or interactive mini-programs that run on our
site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our
website, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media
features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site.
Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the
company providing it.
Protecting your personal information is important to us. We use a combination of
reasonable technical, administrative, and physical safeguards to protect your personal
information. However, no website, mobile application, database or system is
completely secure or “hacker proof.” So, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
You are also responsible for taking reasonable steps to protect your personal
information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.
We limit access to your personal information to those who need it to do their jobs. We
comply with all applicable federal and state data security laws.
If you enroll in the Allstate Digital Footprint
feature through the mobile app, you
provide Allstate access to your Microsoft and/or Google email accounts. We will only
use the data accessed from your Microsoft and Google accounts to read, write, modify,
or control email message bodies (including attachments), metadata, headers, and
settings (“email data”) to:
identify certain online accounts,
notify you of known security breaches related to those accounts, and
send data privacy requests, unsubscribe requests or deletion requests from your
email account at your request.
We will not:
transfer email data to others unless it is necessary to provide and improve
features, comply with applicable law, or otherwise provide the services, use email
data for serving advertisements, or
allow a person to read your email data unless we have your affirmative
agreement regarding specific messages, doing so is necessary for security
purposes such as investigating abuse, to comply with applicable law, or for an
Allstate product’s internal operations.
If you should have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us
at 1-800-624-4419.
We may periodically update or revise this Privacy Statement. The effective date at the
top of the document shows when this Privacy Statement was last revised. We will let
you know when we update the Privacy Statement by changing the date or other
appropriate means.
This Privacy Statement describes the privacy practices of Allstate Insurance Company
and the Allstate affiliates whose websites and mobile apps link to this Privacy
Statement including: Allstate insurance companies offering auto, home and business
insurance; Allstate Assurance Company and their life and retirement affiliates; Allstate
Financial Services; and Allstate roadside services and motor club companies and
Signature roadside services and motor club companies.
Personal information may be shared for marketing purposes among Allstate Insurance
Company and the Allstate affiliates listed above as well as these other affiliated
companies that have separate online privacy statements: American Heritage Life
Insurance Company (Allstate Benefits), Allstate Dealer Services, National General
Insurance Group and its affiliates, Castle Key Insurance Company and Castle Key
Indemnity Company, North Light Specialty Insurance Company, SquareTrade (Allstate
Protection Plans), InfoArmor (Allstate Identity Protection), Avail, and Arity companies.